C H A P T E R 29

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Tris POV

3 months later

Wedding day

This is a total chaos. Everyone is running around trying to find their dresses while the others are getting their makeup done by some specialists I hired. I'm really nervous and excited at the same time. Today is the day I finally marry the man of my dreams. I smile at the thought and the man doing my makeup scowls at me. I chuckled and murmured sorry. He nodded and smiled while he kept on applying different products. Someone else begins doing my hair. I grab my phone and creep around tweeter in the mean time. Some of our fans are writing things like

'Today is the day! finally #FourTris' and sending us positive messages. I try to follow as many people as I can and then log off to go to Instagram. I see that Tobias posted a picture of Mickey sitting on a sofa with two toys on his hands. The thing is that he's wearing a tuxedo and he looks soooo adorable. His dirty blond hair is up making him ten times cuter.

"Awww he's so cute" I say and like the pic before taking a screen shot.

"Tris! how do I look?" Christina says and she comes over to me with her dress on. Her hair and makeup are perfect. I smile "you look gorgeous Chrissy" I say and she squeals after thanking me.

When they finish I stand up from the chair and stretch a little bit. Sitting on a chair for over an hour ain't easy. Just then my mom, Christina and Ariana drag me to the room where the dress is. Marlene pulls it out and hands it to me with a smile on her face. I looked at the clock and saw that the wedding starts in less than an hour. everyone is ready expect for me. I change into the dress and my mom helps me make it look better. I then look in the mirror and smile. Perfect. They all start complimenting me and I smile at them while saying thank you.


"We will start when you're ready" my dad told me as he made his way towards me. He was wearing a black tuxedo with his favorite elegant shoes. I nod my head and take a deep breath.

"Let's do this" I said with enthusiasm. My dad interlock our arms together and we then heard the music. The wedding was outside on a beautiful garden. The doors opened and we stepped out.

I looked around with a smile plastered on my face. The grass was a perfect green, a path made out of petals and there was this amazing waterfall behind the altar. There were rows of white seats on both sides as usual. I looked up at the altar and Tobias. My smile widened and his did too. He was wearing a tuxedo that matched Mickey's but it was more formal. my dad and I began walking down the path and stopped. Will took my hand and led me down then we stopped again. Uriah was there grinning holding out his arm. I took it and we walked until we got to Zeke. We decided to do this since they were all my boys and they claimed they had to take me down. We made a final stop and I took my fathers hand again.

we then make our way to the altar and Tobias extends his hand out. My father puts my hand on his and smiles "take care of her" my dad says and I smile while kissing my dad's cheek "I will Drew" Tobias says and we step up. The ceremony starts.

After saying our vows, Uriah comes up holding Mickey on his hands and Mickey holding a box with the rings inside it. Tobias messes with Mickeys hair and opens the box.

"Do you Tobias Eaton, promise to take care of Tris Prior? Cherish her love through wealthiness and poverty? stand by her for as long as you both shall live?" the priest said. Tobias looked at me right in the eyes and a huge smile spread across his face. We both had our eyes watery and we were getting emotional. Tobias then slid the ring on my finger and said "I do" proudly. The priest looked at me and I got the other ring

"Do you Tris Prior, promise to take care of Tobias Eaton? Cherish his love through wealthiness and poverty? stand by his side for as long as you both shall live?" the priest repeated and I slid the ring on Tobias's finger while saying "I do" Uriah sat back down.

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest murmurs. Tobias steps forward, the Sapir between us now gone. He puts his hand on my waist and the other one on my cheek. We both smile and he crashes his lips to mine. I smirk in the kiss happily and put my hand around his nape. We hear applauses but don't pull back until minutes later or so. Everyone cheers for us. I blush and kiss Tobias's cheek.

After that Tobias and I walk down the aisle and headed out to the party in the venue.


Tobias wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him and burying his face on my hair "we are officially married" Tobias mentions and gives me a quick soft kiss on my neck. I smile and nod my head.

We are now on the venue, we've been here for almost five hours now so basically the party is almost over. Mickey went home with my mom because he needed his sleep. Christina had to leave because Jamie wasn't feeling good. Too much cake I guess.

"I love you Tobias" I murmured turning back to face him. He brung his lips to mine and kissed me softly. I smile and ran my hand thru his hair.

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