C H A P T E R 37

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Tris POV

I was getting bigger and bigger everyday, last week we had out first ultrasound and we had found out our babies gender. Just like predicted it was a baby girl, and Tobias and I couldn't be happier. We always wanted Evan to be a big brother to a girl. Tobias and I had bought some things for her but we hadn't picked her name yet.

Zeke and Shauna were getting married next week and I was gonna go shopping for outfits, for Evan and his father. Tobias was working on the studio on a new album he wanted to release.

"Come on big guy" I said as I lifted him up from the tub. He chuckled and wrapped his wet arms around me. I smiled and put him on bed.

"Superman boxers or batman" I asked as I lifted them up.

"Batman mommy!" he exclaimed. I laughed and placed the superman ones back on his drawers. I then picked out his outfit. a pink button up shirt with a red sweater over it and a cute bow tie, black pants and converse. Evan grabbed his fake glasses and putted them on.

I then put him on my lap and did his hair carefully.

"Okay we eat breakfast and then we'll go to the mall" I said. He nodded his head and grabbed my hand. I smiled and walked downstairs with him. I lifted him up and put him on the stool in front of the tv. He turned it on himself and put The Avengers. I swear my kid had an obsession for those superheroes.

"Evan baby, chocolate chip waffles or blueberry" I asked as I opened the freezer.

"Both" he said and I laughed taking the bags out.

"Okay but only one of each or else you'll get a stomach ache" I said and he nodded. I did the waffles and fed my son. When he finished I took him to the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

"Ready to go" I asked. He shook his head and ran to the living room. When he came back he held two little silver cars on one hand and in the other a bag of sour patch. I smiled and took his hand. I locked the door and then got on the car placing Evan on the back on his car seat and buckling him up.

I got on the drivers seat, turned on the engine and drove to the mall.

Evan and I had walked for a while now and his nap time had passed so he was exhausted. We had already picked his outfit so we were now heading home. He kept on stumbling as his eyes closed. I picked him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck closing his eyes and burying his head on my neck.

I loved my boy so much.

I went to the car and unlocked the doors. I carefully put Evan down on his seat and put a pillow on his head so he wouldn't get pain when he woke up. I buckled his seatbelt and kissed his cheek.

I then hopped on and called Tobias.

<<hey, are you busy?>> I asked as he answered the phone.

<<oh hey babe, no I'm heading out of the studio right now. Where are you and why are you whispering?>> he asked whispering the last part. I giggled silently.

<<I'm outside the mall and Evan is sleeping on the back seat>> I said.

<<oh okay, I'm gonna grab something to eat and I'll meet you home>>

<<okay I love you, see you soon>>

<< Love you too>>

I hanged up and drove back home. when I pulled up I opened the door for my son and unbuckled him. He woke up and frowned. All of a sudden he threw up all over the floor. He started crying as he puked.

"Hey baby what's wrong, little guy" I asked as I touched his forehead. He was burning up. I closed the door for the car and picked him up not caring if I got vomit in my shoulder.

I went up to his room and placed him down on his bed. I took the thermometer and place it on his mouth. 104.6

He's got a fever, that's just great.

"mommy I'm not feeling good" he said and coughed.

"I know baby, it'll be okay. Come on, let's take those sweaty clothes off" I said. I took of all his clothes and put some pants on him leaving him shirtless since he was sweating. I covered him with the blanket tho just to make sure he didn't get cold.

"I'll be right back, don't fall asleep yet" I told him and he nodded his head weakly. It pained me seeing him like this, that was his very first cold.

I went downstairs and got some medicine for kids. I went up to his room again and he was still awake. I sat him down and placed his head on my chest. He had his eyes closed.

"Open your mouth sweetie" I said. He did as I was told and I gave him the red liquid. He swallowed it and frowned. I then gave him so water and covered him with the blanket again. "go to sleep honey" I murmured standing up.

"momma can you stay with me" he asked as he grabbed my hand. I smiled down at him and nodded my head "of course" I said and sat down next to him. He cuddle in my chest and closed his eyes tugging into my shirt. I stroked his head and we both ended up falling asleep.

"Tris" I heard a distant voice. I opened my eyes and saw Tobias kneeling in front of me.

"Hi" I muttered as I held onto my son who looked pale.

"Why is Evan sweating so much?" he asked concerned. He touched his forehead and frowned "he's got his first cold" I said and he nodded his head kissing his forehead.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna make the soup my mom always made me when I got sick" he said. I nodded my head and he walked out. I stared down at my son and stroked his face looking at all his perfect features. Then a smile appeared in his face but he continued sleeping. I just hope he was feeling better.

Twenty minutes later tobias came back holding a bowl with a babies spoon 'wake him up' he muttered.

I sat Evan up and touched his cheek softly "wake up baby, daddy's here" I said. Evan pressed his eyelids together and then fully opened his eyes "hi mommy" he whispered as he held my hand.

"Hi sweetie, daddy's here. He made you some soup for your cold" I said as I kissed the top of his head. Tobias sat next to us and smiled at Mickey.

"Hey bud, I got you tomato soup for your stomach" he said and started feeding him. When he finished eating Tobias wipes his mouth with his thumb and I smiled at them.

"Let's watch a movie, yeah? it'll make you feel better" Tobias suggested. He nodded and we stood up. Tobias carried Evan to the screening room and I followed after them.

We decided to watch a classic, The Lion King 2. Tobias sat down first, then me on his arms laying my head on his chest and Evan in both of our arms. We watched the movie in peace....

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