C H A P T E R 25

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Today is the third day since Evan got here and we are now getting out of the hospital. Tobias is carrying all the gifts, clothes and bags we got while I'm carrying Evan in my arms. He's looking up at me and I start making weird funny faces making him giggle. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I am totally in love with my little baby. He's the cutest thing I've ever seen. And I see Tobias everyday. Evan is a mix of me and Toby. He has Tobias's dark blue eyes but he has my dirty blond hair. That makes him adorable. Also he has a lot of charisma and he's only been in this world for two and a half days.

When we reach the car, Tobias unlocks it and puts everything inside. We bought a chair for Evan but since he's so little and delicate now I'm just gonna hold him. Obviously I'm sitting in the back. Tobias then starts the car and drives home.


1 month later

Tobias, Evan and I are on the living room watching cartoons. We are trying to make Evan fall asleep because his nap time already passed. We were out eating with my dad, mom, Caleb, Madison and Blake. Every time Mickey Mouse showed up on the screen Evan would giggle and wave his hands on the air.

"Oooh I found a nickname for Evan!" I said and smiled. Tobias rested on his elbow and turned to look at me "huh really, what is it?" he asked

"Mickey" I exclaimed and he chuckled while nodding his head "okay, Mickey it is" he said and I smirked. We then heard a little faint sigh. We both looked at Evan at the same time and saw that he was sleeping "yes" Tobias and I whispered and high 5 each other quietly.

Just then the door flew opened and Uriah came in "HEY!" he yelled. Our eyes widened. Evan then started crying and I slapped my forehead. I picked him and began rocking him trying to clam him down "Sh it's okay, mommy is here go back to sleep" I said soothingly.

"Uriah!" Tobias scolded

"Oops, sorry Evan" he said and walked towards us. Evan finally stopped crying but he refused to fall back asleep. Uriah sat on the sofa facing us and smiled

"What's up Uriah" I said

"Nothing much, just came here to tell you that all of us are planning a play date for Evan, Hunter, Jamie and Gus" he said. Hunter is Zeke's and Shauna's son. They had him two days after Evan was born. As in Gus he was born a week ago.

"A play date? if you haven't noticed, Evan, Hunter and Gus can't play because they're not even six weeks old" I said and Uriah nodded "well yeah, it's more like a reunion for us the grown ups were we are gonna bring our babies" he explained. Wow he could've just said that. Tobias and I nodded

"Okay when?" Tobias asked while he played with Evan's hands

"Tomorrow at 11am, don't be late. It's at my house. Okay gotta go, see you" he said and kissed Evan's forehead

"Say bye bye to Uncle Uri" I said and grabbed Evan's hand gently making him wave. Uriah chuckled and waved back as he stepped out of the house.

"What do we do now?" Tobias said as he looked at and gesture to Evan. What he meant was 'how do we make him fall back asleep?'. Very good question.

"Mickey Mouse marathon" I said and put disney junior back on. Tobias sighed and I chuckled. I laid on Tobias's chest, held Ean in my arms against my chest and Tobias wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my head on the crook of his neck and Evan did the same with me. I smiled at this perfect moment and watched M.M with my boys.


Tobias POV

I hear cries coming from Evan/Mickey's room. I actually really like that nickname. I turn and see Tris sound asleep. She's been really busy lately taking care of Evan so I'm gonna let her sleep. It's daddy time. I get up and walk to Mickey's room. It's connected to ours just to make sure in case there's an emergency we can reach him faster. Evan is in his crib crying and moving his arms around.

"Sh hey buddy, daddy is here" I whisper as I pick him up gently. I rock him back and forth while humming a melody that my mom taught me before she passed away. Evan starts smiling and that literally warms my heart. My son and Tris, they're everything to me.

"I'm gonna teach you how to play sports, and help you in your homework and we can ditch your mommy to go and do guy stuff together" I joke with a funny face and Mickey giggles. I then feel a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. I turn around and see a sleepy Tris. She lays her head in my chests with her eyes closed. I put my free hand around her torso and kiss the top of her head

"What are you doing up baby?" I asked

"I heard giggles" she explains and I nod my head "can Mickey sleep with us?" Tris asked. Since Evan came we've really grown attach to him. But how couldn't we. My son Is the cutest baby boy ever. You know what they say 'like father, like son'

"Sure, come on" I said and we went to the room. Tris laid on bed and I laid Mickey gently next to her. I laid next to Mickey so he was on the middle. I kissed both of their heads. After Mickey fell asleep I closed my eyes and drift off.

[AUTHORS NOTE: so I have a friend and his nickname is Mickey. His real name is Sean but if you say Sean we would have to think about it before we know you're referring to Mickey. Anyways hope you liked this chapter and... isn't Evan the cutest thing ever!]

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