C H A P T E R 36

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Tris POV

Mickey got out of the hospital a week ago and he was now doing great. Tobias sometimes still felt guilty but he learned to get over it. I was really mad at him first, but it really wasn't his fault. Mickey was suppose to stay where he had told him but didn't obey. We would have grounded him but we felt like he had had enough.

"I JUST WANT TO PLAY MY MUSIC!" I heard my son's voice in the distance. I followed the noises and it took me to the screening room. When I walked in I saw the cutest things ever. Evan and Tobias had fake guitars on their hands and were pretending to play 'play my music' while watching Camp Rock.

That wasn't it. Evan had this kind of punk outfit that made him look extremely adorable.

"Musics in my soul" they sang. I started filming them. When they finished Evan threw himself on the floor and yelled out 'YEAH!'

It was official, I had the cutest son in this world. I wouldn't trade him for the world. I stopped recording and put the camera away.

"What are you guys doing?" I chuckled. They both turned around and flashed me a smile.

"Rock n' roll women!" Evan said and we laughed. His hair was all green, I sure hope Tobias didn't put permanent paint on him.

"I just hope we can wash that paint of your hair or else daddy will be in big trouble" I said as I looked at Tobias. He smirked and I did the same.

"Bath time" I said clapping my hands. Evan placed the guitar down and then ran to straight to the bathroom. Tobias walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ooh how's my guitarist doing?" I said with a smirk.

"Great, how's my princess doing?" he grinned.

"Perfect" I murmured.

"I was talking about my daughter" he said and smirked at me winking. I playfully smacked him but then smiled down at my belly.

"She's doing great too" I said. Tobias kissed my belly and then placed his finger on my chin. He pulled me closer and crashed his lips to mine, kissing me sweaty and slowly. I smiled and kissed him back.

"Love you beautiful" he muttered.

"Love you more handsome" I murmured. He smirked and intertwined our hands. We then went to the bathroom where Mickey waited. I undressed him and Tobias turned on the water making sure it was warm enough. I kissed my son's cheek and placed him inside the bathtub. Tobias brought some if his toys and we played with him.

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