C H A P T E R 24

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Tobias and I were sitting in the living room discussing different baby names. We arrived in Los Angeles yesterday and now were are home again. We both decided to tell our family and friends about or engagement later today maybe.

"Umm Jason" Tobias murmured while tapping his chin with his pen. We were both laying on the couch facing each other with a blanket covering us, notebook in our laps and pens in our hands. I thought about it for a second and then shook my hand "no I want something more... unique. Like a common unique cute name" I said. Does that make sense? By Tobias's confused expression I'm guessing it didn't.

"Like... Dean" I said with a smirk on my face and Tobias's shook his head rapidly "nooo, I thought we were already passed that" he said and I chuckled. I then nodded my head until a great name came barging into my mind. I gasped and got on my knees "I got it!" I exclaimed and Tobias laughed at my sudden reaction "what is it?" he asked.

"Evan" I yelled and he thought about it for a second. He then nodded and I smiled relieved. Thank god he likes it.

"Can we add Wyatt as a middle name?" Tobias asked while looking up at me. Hmm. Let's see if it fits. I tapped my chin while considering the name "yep! perfect. Evan Wyatt Eaton Prior!" I exclaimed and jumped on Tobias. He smirked and pecked my lips softly. He then kissed my stomach and smiled "hey little Evan" Tobias murmured and I smiled. He's gonna be a great father, I'm sure of it. I don't know why he's so insecure. He won't turn into he's father, Tobias is good.

I then kiss his lips softly and cuddle in his chest. He puts his arms around me and buried his face in my hair.

"I love you Tris, I'm really glad you moved to Chicago" Tobias murmured. So was I. If I has stayed here in LA I would've never met him, or my friends.

"I love you too, and I am too" I said and smiled in his chest. I then found myself drifting off. The pregnancy makes me really sleepy at times...


2 months later

Tobias and I just came back from our doctors appointment. He said the baby will get here really soon and I'm super excited. Tobias can't get the smile off of his face and that makes me even happier because I'm glad the father of my baby actually cares. Thank god I have Tobias.

"Toby I'm hungry" I said and laid my head in the chair. Tobias took my hand and kissed it "what do you want to eat?" he asked and I shrugged "pizza" I murmured closing my eyes and he chuckled silently "alright let's stop by Pizza Hut" he said and drove. Tobias's phone rang and he placed it in his ear

"what's up... driving with Tris.... yeah, they said he'll be here soon... really?... ugh okay.. bye" Tobias hanged up and frowned. I looked at him and kissed his cheek "why so grumpy all of a sudden?" I asked and he cracked up a smile "I have to work" he said and I whined. Now I'm gonna be home alone. Great! haha maybe the bad guys will come and try to catch me. Nah I'm too lazy to fight them.

I giggled and Tobias gave me a weird look. That made me laugh harder and he began laughing too "why are you laughing" Tobias between laughs. I just shook my head and took a deep breath.

"What do you have to do?" I asked him

"Photo shoots like always, an interview and sign some stuff" he said and sighed. Tobias had been working all weekend I don't get why he has to go back, he deserves a break. Well maybe it's because when the baby comes he's not gonna have time to do all his work.

I nodded my head "when are you coming back home?" I asked as he drove into the drive thru. He rolled his window down "I don't know baby but call me if something happens, okay?" he said and I nodded my head while blushing a little. Tobias a large pizza and then we went home.

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