C H A P T E R 28

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Tris POV

2 months later

"Hmm nah" I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was now picking out my bridal dress with my mom, Christina, Shauna, Marlene, Ariana, Taylor and Selena since she's visiting. I took another one of the dresses we had picked out, went in the changing room and tried it on. I then went outside and began checking myself out in the mirror. This is it, I thought to myself. I can actually picture myself getting married in this dress. I smiled and look at the girls, who were smiling as well.

"What do you think?" I ask them and they start saying good things about the dress, and how it looks on me and how the wedding it's just going to be perfect.

I look at the mirror one more time and contemplate the dress. It was strapless and the top part was all lace with some beautiful details and white of course. The entire dress was white because I do not believe people should marry in dresses that are not white. It just doesn't seem right.

"This one is the one" I murmured and looked at the lady that had been helping me picked out the dresses. She nods and I go back to the changing room and put on the clothes I was wearing. Skinny jeans, pink tank top, a pair of vans and shades. I walk out and pay for the dress. After that we all went to our houses.


I go upstairs and check on Mickey first. He's sound asleep on his crib. I then go back to my room and see Tobias crawled up in a ball sleeping and the blanket around his legs. I smile and walk up to him. I lean in and kiss him softly on his cheek. He moves a little signaling that he has woken up "hi baby" I whisper and stroke his cheek and hair. His eyes flutter open and he smiles "hi princess, how was your day?" he says with his eyes barely open

"great how was yours?"

"Good, did you find your dress?" he asks

"Yep, it's beautiful" I answer as I picture myself in the dress

"I'm sure it is, princess. Are you hungry, want me to make you something" he says and tries to sit up but I stop him

"Don't worry about it. your tired, you should sleep" I says and kiss his forehead. He nods and I put the blankets over him "sweet dreams baby" I whisper and kiss the top of his head "I love you" Tobias whispers and I smile "I love you too, now go to sleep" I says and he nods smiling. I then hear him snore accompanied by little giggles coming from mickeys room. I go to his room and pick him up.

"Hi cutie pie, how's my little baby doing?" I say and kiss his cheek. He smiles and I can't help but smirk. I then make my way downstairs towards the kitchen and put Mickeys chair next to my stool. I make myself a sandwich and give Mickey his food. When we both finish I breast feed him and then rock him back and forth until he begins dozing off. I stroke his hair soothingly and his eyelids close. I kiss his forehead and lay on the couch with him on my chest. He has his little head buried on my chest with his hands laying on my shoulders. I smile and cover him with his little blanket. I then watch tv until it's eleven. I turn off all the lights and head upstairs. I lay Mickey on his crib and make sure he doesn't wake up.

I then change into a pair of pjs and lay next to Tobias snuggling into his chest. I feel his strong arms wrap around me and like that I doze off to sleep.

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