C H A P T E R 5

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Tris POV

The gang is coming today. They all finished college last week and now they're moving. Since Justin and his crew are at my parents house, the gang is going to stay in our beach house. It has five rooms so that should be big enough for them.

Tobias and I got ready and headed out to the airport with Ricky. We park outside the entrance and wait for them.

"Why can't we go inside?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest

"Tris, for the millionth time there are paparazzi outside and fans. They know we are here and we are just going to pick up your friends not sign autographs" Ricky says looking back at me

I sighed and got out of the car "they came here for us, we should at least say hi" I said and closed the door "Tris wait!" Tobias yells and Ricky turns off the car. They get out out too and follow me. The bodyguards in the other car also get out and stay by our sides. When the fans see us they start screaming and calling out our names. The paparazzi take pictures and we ask questions.

We walks towards the fans and ask them to quiet down.

"Hey guys!" I say smiling and Tobias waves at them. They all shout 'hi'

"Okay so there's a lot of people so we can't take pictures with everyone but we will try" I say and they all agree. Ricky hands us papers and we sign them as fast as we can and pass them around.

20 minutes later

"Everyone got a paper?" I ask and they nod

"Listen Tris and I will take a picture with our phone and well post it in tweeter and Instagram since we don't have enough time" Tobias says. We both take out our phones and take the picture "we gotta go, we love you guys" I say and Tobias and I wave "WE LOVE YOU GUYS TOO!" the fans shout and we go back to the car. When we get inside we see our friends grinning "well that was quite a show" Uriah jokes

"Oh my god hey" I say and start hugging everyone. They all chuckle and hug us back. Christina is holding Jamie in her hands and I kiss her cheek. Tobias and sit in our seats and Ricky starts driving

"So you guys are famous now, you even beat Justin Bieber and Katy Perry" Christina says. We nod and smirk "don't say that when we get to my dad's house because Justin is staying there" I say, they chuckle and nod "haha we won't" Zeke says and we smirk.


Beach house

"You guys are going to stay in here while you find your own house" I tell them while I show them around

"Cool" Zeke says

"You guys pick your own rooms" Tobias says and opens the first door. Marlene and Uriah go inside and put their bags down. We open the second door that's in front and Shauna walks in "okay I'm guessing this is ours" Zeke says an spurs his luggage on the bed. We walk down the hallway and open the black door "this one is the master room, we think you should have it since you have to take care of Jamie" I say and they both thank me. Jamie mumbles something and giggles "you're welcome" Tobias says and makes a goofy face. Jamie giggles and touches his face. She then pokes him in the eye "okay, man down! man down!" Tobias says covering his eye "that's my girl" Will says and kisses the top of her head "hahaha very funny, I'm gonna put some ice in my eye" he says and walks away "oh please stop being so dramatic" I joke and follow him to the kitchen.

He puts water on his eyes and groans "this hurts like a bitch" he says and covers his eye again

"Let me see" I tell him but he shakes his head "I don't want to open my eye" he says "okay hold on" I say and open a drawer. I take out an eye patch.

"Close your eyes and take off your hand" I tell him. He obeys and does what I tell him. I put the eye patch on him and he opens his right eye "why did you have an eye patch?" he asks me giving me a weird look

"Doesn't matter" I say "use it for today and if your eye still hurts by tomorrow then we'll get it check"

He nods and stands in front of the mirror "ugh I look like Captain Hook, I lost all my sexiness" Tobias says frowning "your face begs to differ" I say, stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. He cups my face with his hands and deepens the kiss. We start to make out.

Someone clears their throat and we break apart. We look at the door and see everyone standing there chuckling. I blush and see Uriah holding his phone. ugh he probably took a picture of us "this is going on Instagram!" he explains. I take out my phone and see that he post the picture and put 'The Beauty and The Beast :/ #FourTris <3' as a caption. Tobias glares at him

"What's up with the eye patch" Zeke asks and Tobias points at Jamie. She giggles and everyone laughs.

"What should we do now?" I ask

"Umm we are kind if tired so let's just stay in the house" Marlene says

"Okay sure" I say and we all head to the family room. I turn on the tv and we stay all day watching 'The Simpsons' marathon.

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