C H A P T E R 14

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Just because it's Saturday and I'm bored! Lol


It's been already two weeks and everyone started loosing hope. I told the police about the phone call and they said that she should be dead by now. They said no one can possibly survive two weeks without food.

I'm sitting on my couch with a blanket around me. All the lights are off and there are beer bottles all over the table. As you can see I'm depressed as fu**. I actually thought about doing drugs but Zeke stopped me so I just drink all day. Right now I'm sober, well not for long.

I hear someone knocking on the door. That must be Zeke or Uriah. They always come and check on me. No one else visits me because I told them not too. I don't want to talk or socialize with anyone. Zeke and Uriah come against my will. They don't usually stay long, they just come to make sure I haven't killed myself. I will soon. I actually tried to three days ago but Uriah stopped me. The knocking doesn't stop. I stand up, throw the blanket to the floor and walk to the door.

When I open it my heart stops. I see her, Tris standing in front of me covered in bruises. There is blood in her hand, bags under her eyes. She looks so weak.

"Tris?" I ask. Am I hallucinating? She throws herself at me and I catch her. Okay this is definitely not a hallucination.

"Tris? are you okay? talk to me. Come on baby open your eyes" I said but she didn't answer. I took her inside and went to the bathroom. I lift her shirt up and saw a wound. It looked bad. That son of a bitch stabbed her.

I take off her shirt, grab washcloth, hot water and clean the wound as professional as possible. Years and years of practice. When the bleeding stops I close it up with stitches. I then take my shirt off and put it on her. I pick her up bridal style and lay her on the couch. I kneel in front of Tris and stroke her face "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you" I whispered

Shit! her wrist! I forgot about it

I look down at her hands and her wrist is bruised up but it's not broken. I don't think she will be needing a cast or anything.

I stroke her face and smile a little. She's so beautiful. Thank god she's alright now... and with me. I kiss her soft lips and I feel sparks. I pull back and smile "it's okay, I'm here now" I murmured and her eyes fluttered open "hey, hey, hey! how are you?" I asked and she smiled while a tear roll down. She jumped up and hugged me. She starts crying "I missed you so much" she says and buries her face in the crook of my neck. I put my hand in her hair and hug back "I missed you too princess" I said and she pulls back with a frown "Tobias. Why is the living room full of beer bottles?" she asked and gave me a disapproving look "uh that's nothing, don't worry about it" I said to her and she crossed her arms

"Tobias" she said again and I sighed. I looked down ashamed "I thought you were dead. They said you were dead and I was depressed" I confessed

"Any drugs?" she asked me but I didn't answer "Tobias I'm not gonna ask you again, answer me" she said and I put my hands in my face "I was going to but Zeke stopped me" I said and didn't look up. I can't bare to see the disappointment in her eyes

"You didn't try to kill yourself right?" she asks me her voice breaking. Damn it. She's going to kill me herself when I tell her the answer

"Once" I mumbled "what? speak up" she said and sighed heavily "once" I said a little louder

"Tobias freaking James Eaton! are you kidding me! why would you do that!?" she asked angrily and I looked up ashamed "I'm sorry, I know it was wrong. I thought you were dead and I--" I trailed off and she shakes her head

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