C H A P T E R 7

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I wake and hear Tris throwing up. I quickly stand up and run to the bathroom. She flushes the toilet and starts to brush her teeth. I walk up to her and rub her back gently "are you okay?" I ask her and she nods while rinsing her mouth "stomach virus" she tells me and wraps her arms around my shoulders "I'm gonna go to the pharmacy to get you some medicine" I say, put my hands on her waist and kiss the top of her head. She nods and we walk downstairs. She sits on bed and I put her favorite movie.

"Okay stay here, I'll be back soon" I tell her and she nods. I walk outside, get in the car and drive to the nearest pharmacy.


I grab Tris's medicine and walk to the cashier.

"That would be $6.23" the girl says and hands me the plastic bag. I grab it and hand her my credit card. She passes it and gives it back to me "have a nice day"

"Thanks, you too" I say and walk outside where the paparazzi are. They shout things but I ignore them and walk to my car. They stand in front of the car and keep on taking pictures. What the hell?

I roll down my window "guys I'm in a hurry so can you move please" I say politely. They ignore me and keep taking pictures. I groan frustrated, take out my phone and call Tris.

"Hello?" she says in a raspy voice

"Hey baby I'm gonna take a little longer, the paparazzi are blocking my way. Are you feeling a little better?" I ask and turn in the car. I honk and they jump startled.

"Umm yeah a little" she says and I hear her puking

"baby hold on, I'm on my way. I love you" I say and hang up. I look back and see that no one is there. I put reverse and start to drive.

When I get home I open the door and see Tris on the couch. I go to the kitchen, pour water on a glass and go back to Tris's side. I put the pills in her mouth and make her drink the water. She smiles and little and lays back down "thanks" she whispers and I stroke her hair.

"don't mention it" I say and we cuddle. When the movie ends I see Tris fell asleep in my arms. I change the channel and see a picture of me walking out of Walgreens with the bag in my hands

"Here are some pictures of Four Eaton walking out of Walgreens earlier today after buying, what we believe are pregnancy tests" the person says

Are these people serious?

"Is our favorite superstar Tris Prior pregnant with Four's child?" another voice says and my phone starts ringing. I check the I.D and see that Alfredo is calling

"Hello?" I say answering the phone

"Tobias is it true? is Tris pregnant?" He asks me with a worried tone

"No she's not. I wasn't getting pregnancy tests, I was getting medicine for her stomach because she's sick" I explain. He sighs relieved

"thank god I thought it was true" he says

"what if she was? would it be so bad?" I ask him "no Tobias but I don't know, you guys are too young to have a child" Alfredo says and I roll my eyes "Fredo I'm 21 and she's 20, her birthday is on November" I tell him annoyed by his comment

"Okay whatever, but I think it would be better to wait. I gotta go, say hi to Tris for me" he says and hangs up. I put my phone on the coffee table and stand up slowly. I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. I get stewed beef, beef broth and vegetables. I start making beef noodle soup. When I finish I put it in a bowl and pour ice tea in a cup.

I walk back to the living room and wake Tris up. She sits and rubs her eyes like a little kid. I smile and grab a spoon

"open up" I tell her and she opens her mouth. I make airplane noises and drive the spoon to her mouth. She eats the soup with the noodles and smirks. When she finishes I give her the cup and she drinks it all.

I hug her tightly

"I love you so much" I say with a smile on my face. She chuckles and hugs back "what has gotten into you?" she asks me giggling "I just want you to know how much I love you that's it" I tell her and kiss her temple. She smiles and kiss me in the lips "I love you too Tobias" she says and we snuggle.

The idea was stuck in my head....

What if we did have a baby?....

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