C H A P T E R 14 ❤️

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[NOT revised]

Tris POV

One week later

Tobias is in the studio working on his new album. Lucky me, today is my free day! I'm so hungry right now. I ran downstairs, opened the fridge and took out ham, cheese and bread. I made myself a sandwich and poured ice tea on a cup. I went to the screening room and started watching a movie. When I finished I was still hungry but I ignored it because I was too lazy to get up. I laid my head down on the armrest and ended up falling asleep.


I woke up because I felt something coming up. I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up like crazy. I heard the front door opening so I'm guessing Tobias is done working. I was still throwing up when he walked in "baby?" he said worried and knelt down beside me. He held my hair "babe what's wrong?" he asked. I finally stopped and sat on his lap. He grabbed baby wipes and cleaned my mouth "are you sick?" he asked worriedly while stroking my hair gently. I shrugged "I don't know, I guess" I murmured. Then it hit me "oh shit" I mumble

"What? are you okay?" Tobias asked

"Tobias last week when we 'did it', did you use protection?" I asked him and looked up. He scratched the back of his neck "umm I don't know" he murmured then his eyes widened "shiz, I think I didn't" he said and I slapped my self "does that mean I'm..." I said trailing off "well we have to make sure. Come on let's go to the pharmacy" Tobias said and helped me up.

He grabbed the keys for his Lamborghini and we drove to Walgreens.

"Stay here I'll go" tobias said and unbuckled his seat belt

"Wait I want to go with you" I told him. He nodded and mumbled "okay"

We got out of the car, intertwined our fingers and walked inside Walgreens. We both pick out all kinds of pregnancy tests and pay for them. On our way back home I saw Burger King "Tobias can we go to Burger King and buy something please" I asked and pointed out the window. He smiled "of course princess"

We decided to go inside because there was a big line of car in the drive thru. Tobias ordered two whoopers and sodas. We also signed and took picture with some of the fans. When the guy gave us our food we went back to the car and drove home.

At Home

Tobias POV

"Can we eat first?" Tris asked nervously and I shook my head "no we can't, now go" I said and handed her the bag with the tests. I kissed her forehead. she went in the bathroom and I waited outside.

I don't know why but I actually want the result to be positive. I would love to start a family with Tris, she's the love of my life.

I know it sounds cheesy but whatever, it's the truth. I started biting my nails and tapping my foot against the floor. I do that when I'm really nervous about something.

2 minutes later

The door opened and Tris walked out "so?" I asked. She smiled a little and murmured "positive"

I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna be a dad! I'm gonna have a family with Tris!

"Oh my god baby! that's great" I said and hugged her. I picked her up and she laughed while hugging me back "we are going to have a family" I said and she teared up a little "I know" she said and smiled. I pushed her against the wall softly making sure I didn't harm the baby, while still hugging her and kissed her passionately. She smiled, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed back. When we pulled back I pressed my forehead against hers and smiled like an idiot "I love you so much" she whispered and that made my smile grow wider "I love you more" I murmured and placed my hand on her belly and looked down "I love you too little guy" I whispered

"What if is a girl?" Tris asked smirking

"Well then, I love you too little princess" I said and she faked pouted "I thought I was your princess" she said jokingly

"nah you're too old" I joked back. She chuckled and I did too "I'm just kidding baby. You're the most beautiful, perfect, talented queen in the world" I whispered and pecked her lips

"What do you want, girl or boy?" Tris asked me while tracing circles in my chest

"mmm.. boy. So I can teach him how to play football and do manly stuff. But if it's a girl I won't mind. I would love her just as much" I said "what do you want?"

"Boy. I've always wanted a little Tobias" Tris said and I smiled "so you've always wanted to start a family with me?" I asked and she nodded "of course" she murmured. I kissed her again and smirked in the kiss "you know we have to tell your family and Alfredo and everyone" I told her and she nodded again

"Yeah but we'll do that later, right now I want to eat" she said and we both laughed. I took her hand and we both walked into the kitchen.


Drew's house

Drew, Natalie, Caleb, Chris, Mackenzie, Maddison, Alfredo, the gang, Ed, Taylor, Nathan and Ariana were all sitting in the living room waiting for is to speak. Justin and the crew already left yesterday so that's why they're not here. I was holding Tris's hand and she squeezed it. She looked at me and I nodded

"Umm guys we have good news" I announced "we are pregnant... well I'm not pregnant, she's pregnant" I said and we all laughed

"Oh my god congratulations" Natalie said and stood up to hug us. Everyone did the same and congratulated us "I'm glad for you man" Alfredo said and pat my back "thanks bro. So you're not mad?" I asked and he looked at me like if I was crazy

"of course not why would I be?"

"Well what will our fans say or the media?" I said and he shrugged

"that doesn't matter. What matters is that you're gonna have a baby and start a family with the girl you love" he said and I smiled "thanks Fredo" I said and hugged him once again. We then went to the dining, ate Natalie's lasagna and celebrated. Today was a perfect day!

Best day ever!

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