C H A P T E R 31

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Tris POV

Saturday, September 13. Evan's birthday. Today he turned three years old. We had to get everything ready for his birthday party. Tobias was buying his cake, I was getting all kinds of Spider Man decorations.

"Mommy, can we buy this!?" Mickey exclaimed as he jumped up and down pointing at a huge spider man poster. I smiled and nodded my head "sure" I murmured while bending down and kissing his cheek. Mickey cheered and I smiled. We kept on picking up the decorations his wanted and then headed to Zeke's house where I was going to leave Mickey until the party was ready.

"Bye mommy" Mickey said and waved his little hand in the air. I waved back and Zeke smiled while closing the door. I sighed and headed to my house. When I pulled up I noticed Tobias's car on the driveway which meant he was already here. I got out of the car and carried all the stuff inside closing the door behind me with my foot.

"Tris?" I heard Tobias's voice coming from the kitchen. I left everything in a table and then followed the noise. Tobias was in fact in the kitchen making cheese burgers with a chefs hat. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his torso giving him a long kiss. He smiled and cupped my cheek with his hand "hi beautiful" he murmured against my lips. I smiled and hugged him one last time before pulling back and began setting everything up.

"Where's Mickey?" Tobias asked as we placed the spider man plates on the spider man mantle.

"Zeke is watching him while we finish setting up the party" I said and Tobias nodded his head. When we finished the bell rang and when we opened it Zeke came in with Mickey, Shauna and Hunter. Mickey ran inside the house and looked around amused. The kids then went to the backyard and started playing.

The minutes later all the guests began arriving. The house was full of kids and adults with infants. We had a surprise for Mickey and we were sure he was gonna like it, just like the other kids.

The bell rang and I ran to the door knowing that the surprise had arrived. I opened it and smiled when I saw him.

"Hey" I said and hugged Andrew, but not Andrew my dad. Andrew Garfield. He was mickeys surprise, we figured that if the party was about spider man we might as well bring him along. Andrew smiled and hugged back. I had met him last year and we were good friends. We pulled back and Andrew said hi to Tobias.

"Hey man what's up, thanks for coming" Tobias said as they did a manly hug.

"Great, and that's no problem" Andrew said. We then invited him inside and he went directly inside the bathroom to change into his custom. The real one that they used in the movies. We also called someone and arranged some things. For Andrew's entrance he was literally gonna come from the roof using a 'spider web'.

Andrew came out minutes later and nodded his head. His manager and some of the people that worked in the movie went upstairs to get ready. Tobias and I went outside where all the kids were playing and running around with spider man masks and fake spider webs in the wrists. We then looked up and saw a guy dressed in black giving us thumbs up. We nodded our heads and waited.

Seconds later Andrew came into view and put on his mask. Then he pretended to throw a spider web that actually appeared and went down swinging from side to side. The kids looked up and started screaming, cheering and clapping. Tobias and I smiled and high five each other. We both looked at Mickey who was looking up at Andrew, a smile on his face and his eyes wide open.

Andrew started taking and playing with the kids, showing them some tricks and helping them do those as well. I could tell that they were having fun specially Evan. When an hour passed Andrew said goodbye and left. The parents and kids started to leave and the only ones that remained were our family and close friends. We all went inside and the kids went straight to the play room.

"That was a really nice party, I'm sure Mickey liked it" Uriah mentioned as he ate a cupcake with red and blue frosting. Tobias and I both smiled "we hope so" I said and they chuckled.

"You really need to contact Christian Bales for Hunter's birthday" Zeke said and we laughed at that. I had missed hanging out with my friends. We spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing at everything Uriah said.

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