C H A P T E R 33

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That's Mickey's outfit for this chapter!

Tobias POV

We were getting ready to head out to the zoo with Evan since he wanted to visit the animals. I also wanted to check on Koba. He was the white tiger Tris had given me on the first Christmas we had spent together and he was now older. Evan said he wanted to see him and play with him, which was actually possible since Koba was trained and it was okay for us to play with him. Tris was taking a shower while I was getting Mickey dress.

"Arms up!" I said and Mickey threw his arms on the air giggling. I chuckled and put on his white shirt that said 'Pop Art' on. He then put on his light blue jeans by himself and I helped him put on his red shoes. He ran to where his desk was, opened a box and took out his shades. I smiled and picked him up taking him to the bathroom with me. I sat him on my lap and applied gel to his hair while he played with my phone.

"Daddy is Hunter coming?" Evan asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah we are gonna meet him and Uncle Z in the zoo" I said. When I finished with his hair I helped him brush his teeth and then went to my room carrying him. Tris came out of the bathroom looking beautiful as always. She smiled and kissed both of our cheeks sweetly.

"Okay are my boys ready to go?" she asked and we both nodded our heads. She laughed. I carried Mickey on my left arm and took Tris's hand with the other. We then headed down towards the car.

I put the orange writ band on Mickey's arms and Tris and I took his little hands. He was so excited, he couldn't stop smiling. It made me even happier seeing my son visiting the zoo for the first time.

"Dad look!" he exclaimed and tugged my shirt. I looked to the direction he was pointing at "gators!" He yells and runs off to the other side. Tris and I sigh and run after him. We smile as we see him stare at the reptiles in pure amusement.

"Mommy, daddy can we go see the penguins?" Mickey asks as he comes back to our side. Tris and I take his hands again and nod our heads as we head out to the aquarium. We walk thru all the hallways and finish by 1:00pm.

"Here you go" I say and hand Tris her burger. She smiles and thanks me by kissing my cheek. I then put Mickey in my lap and begin feeding him his hotdog. We all eat lunch in a comfortable silence. I turn to look at Tris and a smile forms on my face.

She caught me staring and blushed.

'I love you' I mouthed. She smiled and mouthed 'I love you' back.

This was my happiness.

"So how have you guys been?" I asked Zeke as we both ate pop corn. Tris and Shauna were with the boys visiting Koba. I had already gone so I just sat outside with Zeke. Plus there couldn't be a lot of people inside his 'habitat' or else Koba would get pissed and nobody wants that.

Koba had been really friendly and he recognized me as soon as I stepped inside. He had grown a lot and now he reached my knees. But he was calm and friendly so I didn't worry.

"Umm great" he said nervously. I immediately knew something was up. I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows "what's up man" I said.

"Uh well there's something we need to tell you guys" he said and a smile appeared on his face.

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise" he said and I nodded my head. He chuckled and I did too.

We heard screams and giggles coming towards our way. We both looked up and saw Mickey and Hunter running towards us smiling and holding stuff puppies.

Mickey jumped up and I quickly grabbed him making sure he didn't get hurt. I smiled and threw him in the air to catch him again. He giggled.

"Hey bud, how was it? Did you touch Koba?" I asked.

"Yeah it was awesome, he even licked my cheek" Evan said with excitement in his eyes. He then started telling me what he did with Koba and I listened to him. It was funny how much I found his stories interesting.

"Well that's awesome, high five!" I said and held my hand up. Mickey high five me with all his strength and I chuckled "you're getting stronger" I said and he smiled.

"I think it's the ice cream, not the veggies you and mommy talk about" he said and I laughed.

"mm nice try" I said and he made a pout face. I then notice Tris standing next to us grinning like crazy.

"You boys are so cute" she said and messed both of our hairs.

"Mommy!" Evan exclaimed.

"Yeah mommy! you're messing up our swag" I joked and she laughed. I then intertwined my hands with her and walked towards our friends.

We said out goodbyes and headed different ways. When we walked out we got swarmed by paparazzi. I hated when this happened, specially when Mickey was with us.

They started shouting things and Mickey's eyes widened with fear. He hid his face in my neck and I put my hand around Tris's waist protectively.

"Dad they're scaring me" Mickey murmured in my ear.

"Sh it's okay, I got you" I said and kissed the top of his head.


"Guys back off, you're scaring my son!" I yelled and made my way thru the crowd. I reached the car and Tris jumped in in the backseat. I then placed Mickey on her lap and wiped some of the tears that had fallen from his eyes. Mickey was claustrophobic too.

"It's okay baby, mommy is right here" Tris said and kissed Mickeys forehead. I then got on the car because the paparazzi were behind me still yelling.

I kept on checking the review mirror to make sure he wasn't having a panic attack. That had happened once before when he had accidentally locked himself in Zeke's house. Let's just say I got three tickets for racing on the streets.

"How is he?" I asked and looked back. Tris smiled down at him and stroked his cheeks.

"He's asleep" she whispered. I nodded my head and continued driving.

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