C H A P T E R 30

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Tobias POV

Months later

"Daddy!" Mickey yelled from his room. I put the papers down and went inside to see him playing with his cars. Mickey is almost two years old now. He's a very smart kid too. He began talking when he turned eight months old. I bent down and messed with his hair "yes buddy" I said with a smile. He lifted his arms up and I picked him up "I want ice cream" Mickey whined and his little hands turned into fists while he pouted. I chuckled and nodded my head "let's pick up mommy then" I said and he smiled. I went downstairs and grabbed the keys for my car. I put Mickey on top of a table and grabbed his jacket.

"Arms up" I said. He put his arms up and I put on his jacket for him. I then picked him up once again and went outside. I sat him on his chair and buckle his belt.

"Daddy can we go to the park too?" he asked as I handed him his spiderman toy. I checked the time and nodded my head. It was still pretty early, I guess we could.

"Sure, I'll call uncle Ze and Uriah maybe they can bring Hunter and Gus" I said. Evan smiled and clapped his hands. I chuckled and kissed the top of his head. I then got on the drivers seat and turned on the radio.

"The wheels of the bus go round and round" Mickey sang along. I chuckled and began driving while I sang with him.


I pulled up next to the glass building where Tris was working. I looked at my watch and then out the window again. She must be getting out now. I then saw a beautiful blond girl stepping out of the building "wait here Mickey" I said to Evan. He nodded his head. I got out of the car and walked towards Tris. She smiled when she saw me and ran towards me. I opened my arms and hugged her tightly almost picking her up.

"Hi princess how was your day?" I asked and kissed her cheek. She smiled and blushed. I found it cute how she still blushed when I kissed her or called her princess and names like that.

"Good I finished the album" she said proudly. I smiled and nodded "that's great, now hang out with me and Mickey" I said and she smiled widely when I mentioned Evan "where is he?" she asked looking around. I pulled back and pointed to the car. We walked towards the car and she opened the back door "hey baby" Tris murmured and kissed Mickey on the forehead and both cheeks. Mickey giggled "hi mommy, we are getting ice cream" he said. I swear Mickey loved ice cream more than anything in this world.

"Great" Tris said and messed with his hair. she then got on the passengers seat and we drove to Menchie's.


We watched as Mickey ran around with kids his age, Gus and Hunter. Marlene and Uriah were sitting on a bench close to us and Zeke was laying on a slide with Shauna. Tris and I were under a tree, me laying against it in my back and Tris on my lap with my arms wrapped around her. She laid back and rested the back of her head on the crook of my neck tickling me with her hair. I tighten my grip just a little and kissed her cheek. She smiled.

"I'm happy" Tris murmured. I smiled and ran my finger thru her arm feeling the goosebumps I gave her "I'm glad you are princess" I murmured. Mickey then ran towards us and jump on top of Tris.

"Mommy! daddy!" Mickey exclaimed and hugged us, his little hands barely reaching my back. I wrapped my arms around both of them and we all laughed. We noticed both Hunter and Gus went towards their parents. Zeke and Shauna waved and smiled at us. Tris and I did the same and watched them leave. We did the same with Uriah and Marlene. When both families were out of sight Tris, Mickey and I stood up.

"Daddy piggy back ride" he exclaimed and threw his hands up in the air. I chuckled and nodded my head while picking him up and placing him on my shoulders. He wrapped his arms around my neck and chin. I smiled and took Tris's hand. She smiled and turned to look at me. I mouthed 'I love you' and squeezed her hand. She squeezed back and mouthed 'I love you too'. We both began walking towards the car smiling happily with our son.


I put all the clean dishes on their places and washed my hands. After dinner Tris went upstairs with Mickey and got him ready for bed. I turned off the kitchen lights and checked that all the windows and doors were closed. I turned on the alarm and headed upstairs. I entered the room and saw Tris already laying on bed

"Baby Micky wants his goodnight kiss" Tris murmured with her eyes still closed. I pinched her cheek softly and murmured an okay. I entered Mickeys room and saw him on his bed waiting.

I knelt next to him and ran my fingers thru his hair "hey buddy ready for bed?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Teeth" I murmured. Mickey opened his mouth showing his teeth. I nodded and smiled. I tucked him in making sure the blanket covered him completely and then kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight bud" I whispered

"Goodnight daddy, I love you" Evan murmured. I smiled wilder at his words and kissed his forehead again.

"I love you too Mickey, sweet dreams" I murmured. Mickey closed his eyes and I stood up. I then turned off the lights and went back to my room where Tris was already deep in sleep. I was already wearing sweatpants so I took off my shirt and crawled on the bed wrapping my arms around Tris and bringing her closer to me. She moved a little and then snuggled in my chest. I closed my eyes.

"Night" I murmured and kissed her before drifting off to sleep.

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