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Tris POV
Three weeks later.

A lot of crazy things were happening this week. First, Shauna and Zeke were getting married in a couple of months. They had to postpone their wedding last time because of some problems that had been going on. Tobias's birthday was coming up on three days and most important of all... I had found yesterday that I was pregnant again. I couldn't be more excited. I haven't told Tobias yet because I wanted to be his big surprise on his birthday.

He has been suspicious lately because I have been smiling a lot, he thinks is because we did it a few weeks ago in our anniversary. Yeah he thinks he's all that... oh who am I kidding I love him.

"FOR NARNIA!" I heard a yell coming down the hallways and loud footsteps. Seconds later Mickey came into view running soak in water and soap on his hair, only wearing his transformer boxers and socks. He held up a fake sword. Followed by him there was his immature father also on his Calvin Klein boxers and socks. He held a plunger and a towel on his wet hair.

"Oh god" I murmured.

"MOMMY!" Mickey exclaimed and threw himself at me. Tobias then did the same and we all fell on the bed laughing. I was now soak in water too. They both kissed my cheeks and I couldn't help but smile.

"You're suppose to be taking a bath" I said looking at Mickey and then turned facing Tobias "and you're suppose to be watching him" I said and he shrugged smiling sweetly.

"Well you know, some things led to another and here we are" he said and I laughed.

"Well I'm gonna get this little guy dressed while his father cleans up all this mess" I said picking Mickey up. Tobias whined and rolled on the bed like a little kid "why me? he did it" Tobias said and pointed at Mickey with a smile. I loved the way he stared at him, you could totally see he adored his son to death.

Mickey gasped and shook his head "no mommy I swear I didn't do it on purpose, it was daddy" he said and I smiled at his cuteness.

"mmm I believe you" I said and kissed his cheek "Tobias James Eaton get your lazy butt up and start mopping" I said and he laughed. I took Mickey to his room while Tobias cleaned up.

Mickey was taking a nap because last night he had stayed until three playing lego. He sometimes suffered of insomnia but it didn't affect him so often. Tobias and I laid on our bed watching tv snuggling into each other. I then felt the wave if nausea hit me and mentally cursed the world.

I stood up and ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up and heard Tobias running towards me.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong? are you okay?" He asked holding my hair up and running my back.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head. I stood up and brushed my teeth.

"I'm fine, just feel a little sick" I said.

"Wait do you think it's--"

"No" I said interrupting him.

"Maybe we should check, just to be sure" he said and I shook my head kissing his cheek.

"I will get it check later, I'm a little tired now I want to sleep" I said with the cutest expression I could come up with. He could never say no to me.

"Okay" he murmured. We both laid back down and I buried my face on his neck smelling his scent. He wrapped his arm around me and I closed my eyes. I then doze off...

Tobias's birthday!

Today I get to tell Tobias that we are having another baby. I'm cooking him breakfast and getting everything ready for his surprise. I made scrambled eggs, bacon, toasts, ham and hot chocolate. I put them all in a plate and go up the stairs were Tobias lays on bed sleeping peacefully.

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