C H A P T E R 38 PT 1

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Tris POV

[Months later]

I threw the curling iron in the top of the sink as I turned it off. Today was a crazy day in this house. Zeke and Shauna were getting married in less than two hours and we weren't ready yet. Tobias was the best man and I was the bridesmaid so we had to be there thirty minutes before the wedding started, maybe even earlier.

Tobias was running around the Ouse looking for his tie. You know most man would just get another tie but he didn't want to because he claimed that we had to match so people -single man- would know that I was 'his'. I think the huge baby bump and Evan make it very clear. I was looking earrings but eventually stopped because I was running out of time, I had to help my son get ready... and probably my husband.

I went to Evans room to find him playing with his Legos, when he was supposed to be applying his baby lotion and his gel for his hair. I had taught him that last week and he hand promised to do it himself.

"Sweetie what are you doing? You're suppose to be getting ready" I said as I opened his closet and took out his suit making sure it didn't have any wrinkles.

"Sorry momma, I wanted you to help me" he said in a cute baby voice. He had me wrapped around his finger. I just smiled and picked him up when he lifted his hands up. I threw him on the bed carefully and he giggled as he sat. I smiled and bent down to his level.

"Arms up! Pants down!" I said. I took of his shirt and his pajama pants. He smiled as I applied the lotion to him.

"FOUND IT!" We heard Tobias yell from downstairs. I chucked and rolled my eyes.

"If daddy is not ready when we finish we are leaving him behind" I told Evan and he laughed nodding his head.

"HEY! I heard that" Tobias said on the doorway trying to fix his tie and walking towards us. I chuckled.

I helped Tobias with his tie pecking his lips and then finished with Evan. He stood up and looked at himself on the mirror nodding his head and making an attempt to wink.

He wore a blue button up shirt tucked in in his khakis pants with a black belt and black shoes. Since the wedding was in the beach -because that's where they first met- Evan wore his fancy sunglasses.

"Okay ladies man, don't turn into your father" I said as I stared at Tobias that was checking himself out on get mirror and also winking making -what he thought were- sexy faces. Tobias looked up and blushed smirking.

"I'm ready" I said. The boys nodded. We all grabbed our phones and everything we needed and headed out.

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