C H A P T E R 15

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Everyone on tweeter is going crazy about me coming back and all that. I really appreciate all their support and kindness. The paparazzi also came back. Everything is starting to come back of normal. I'm glad it is.

My relationship with Tobias is going great. It actually hurt me when he said he tried to kill himself because he thought I was dead, but he promise he would never do that again and I trust him. Marlene and Uriah are expecting a baby, so are Zeke and Shauna. I'm really glad for them. They plan on getting married before the babies come.

Today is Saturday and Tobias and I are going to stay at home for a while and then maybe go out to eat something, or to the movies. Who knows. I stand up and take a shower. When I finish I put on a Forever 21 black muscle tee, white short shorts and sneakers. I apply makeup and put my hair up in a messy ponytail. I run down and hear noises coming from the kitchen. When I walk in I see Tobias placing an omelet in a plate. I squeal and sit on the stool. He chuckles and gives me my good morning kiss "someone is hungry" he said and I nodded "yep, very" I said and began eating.

"So what do you want to do today?" he asked "Umm I was thinking maybe go places here in LA that we've never been to" I tell him and he nods "that's a good idea. I'm gonna go change" he says and heads to the door but before walking out he comes up to me and whispers "you look hot in those short shorts" in my ear. I blush "get change" I tell him and point at the stairs. He chuckles, kisses my cheek and runs upstairs.

I put the plate on the sink and wait for Tobias on the living room. He comes back wearing a muscle white tee, black shorts, vans and a light orange SnapBack. I stand up and we go outside. We get on the car and drive to an ice cream shop holding hands.

I buy chocolate ice creams and share it with Tobias. I feed him the ice cream because his driving "open up" I said and he opened his mouth "ahhh" he said and I giggle. I put the spoon inside his mouth and he closed it "mmm" he said smiling. I then finished the ice cream and we went to the Hollywood sign.

We walked around and took pictures with the sign behind us.

I posted the picture on Instagram and tweeter. I wrote 'Hollywood!' as a caption. I jumped on Tobias's back and he gave me a piggy back ride. He started spinning and jumping up and down. We both laughed. I kissed his cheek and he started running back to the car.

He put me on the passengers seat and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back. He then went to his seat and started driving around.

We stop at Starbucks and ordered a caramel and raspberry frappe both with extra whip cream. Tobias then got a call from Alfredo

"Hello... what's up... what? when?... no... because I said no... ugh fine... whatever.. bye" Tobias hanged up and groaned "Tris don't kill me but you have an interview in about ten minutes. Starting now" he said and my eyes widened

"What? why? I don't want to go! I won't! you can't make me" I said, crossed my arms and looked out the window

"I know, I don't want you to go either but Alfredo said you have too. If you don't go he's gonna send Ricky and Mateo after us"

"They're probably gonna ask me about Edgar and all that crap" I said and sighed.

Tobias took my hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb "it's going to be okay, I promise. I'm gonna be right there next to you if you need me" he told me and gave me a smile. I giggled and hugged him "you're the best boyfriend ever" I murmured and he laughed "I know, I know" he joked and we both laughed.

"Okay come on. Let's get this over with" Tobias said and started driving to where the interview was bring held.


The interview went fine and just as expected they asked me about Edgar. I just answered with the truth. They also asked me about my up coming album and my relationship with Tobias.

After that Tobias and I stopped by McDonalds and bought two Big Macs. We parked the car and started eating.

"Am I getting fat?" I asked randomly and Tobias scoffed "fat? Tris you have the most perfect beautiful sexy body in this world" he murmured, put his hand on my cheek and gave me a kiss "you're so cute" I said and tackled him with a hug. He chuckled and hugged me back. We were so caught up in the moment that we didn't even notice the paps in front of us with their cameras. There were a lot of flashes going off. I pull back and covered my eyes with my hands. Tobias quickly opened the glove compartment and handed me a pair of shades. I took them and putted them on.

"I can't move they're blocking us" Tobias said frustrated and hit the steering wheel groaning. I looked up to the rear-view mirror and saw that it was cleared "there's no one behind us" I told him. He put the car in reverse and started driving. Thank god the paparazzi didn't follow us. "ugh I hate pap so much" I said and took the shades off. I rubbed my eyes because I was kind of blinded. Tobias grabbed my hand and stopped "you're gonna make it worse, just close your eyes and everything will be fine" he told me and I obeyed. I closed my eyes like he told me and ended up falling asleep.


I woke up and felt to arms in my stomach. I opened my eyes and saw Tobias in front of me pulling my shirt up. When he saw that I was awake he stopped and stepped back "Tris this is not what it looks like, I was just gonna change you to your pjs 'cause I didn't want to wake you up" he explains and I giggle. He looks so cute when he's nervous "don't worry, I understand" I tell him and give him a quick peck on the lips

"plus I wouldn't mind if you raped me" I whispered/joked in his ear seductively

"Is that so?" Tobias said with a smirked and I nodded. His smirk became bigger and he pushed me on the bed. I giggled and he started kissing my neck. I moaned and I felt him smile against my skin. I then took his head in my arms and started kissing him passionately. Next thing I knew we were both undressed and things start to intensify

Well...you know what happens next

This Is Forever (sequel to divergent high school)Where stories live. Discover now