~C H A P T E R 23~

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I'm gonna skip to the last day they have on Paris


Tobias and I are leaving today at midnight. I'm gonna miss Paris. Even tho we didn't have much time in here I enjoyed it. Since today is our last day in Paris Tobias said that he will take me somewhere special. He told me to dress nice so I picked one of my new favorite dresses that makes me look good even tho I have the bump. It's a white dress that goes up to my tights and it has lace on the top of the back. I put on some heels but not to tall because I don't want to get tired if we walk. Also I don't want to harm the baby in any way.

I apply makeup and curl my hair a little. Tobias said to meet him in the lobby so I grab my purse, phone and walk downstairs.


When I hear the little 'beep' that indicates that I got to the first floor, I check myself in the mirror one last time and then I walk out. As soon as I step out I see a man holding up a paper with my name on it. Weird. I walk towards him and he smiles politely "Tris Prior?" he asks and I nod my head once. He puts the sign down

"this way" he murmurs and leads me outside. When we step out the cold chilly breeze hits my face. The man leads me to a limousine and helps me inside. I thank him with a smile and he goes to the drivers seat. What's going on? where's Tobias? The guy starts driving.


The man pulls on the driveway in front of a really fancy restaurant. He opens the door for me and I thank him again. Another guy wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up comes out of the restaurant and smiled as me "Tris Prior?" he asks and I nod smiling "this way" he murmurs and leads me inside. He then takes me to the back were I see Tobias standing wearing a nice white shirt with a dark blue blazer, jeans and black shoes that match his blazer

"I'll be right back" the guy says and walks away. When he's out of sight I jump in Tobias's arms and kiss him. I feel him smirk and he kisses back. When we pull out of breath he takes a strand out of my face, and kisses my cheek "hi Toby" I murmur and he smiles widely "hi princess" he says and I giggle. He helps me sit on a chair and takes a seat next to me too.

"What's all this?" I asked Tobias with a smile. He shrugged "I wanted to be a romantic boyfriend and please my beautiful princess" he says and I bliss while giggling "you're so cute Toby" I said and gave him a peck on the lips. I don't know why, but the word boyfriend doesn't seem to fit him anymore. I wish he was more than that. My thoughts are interrupted when the waiter comes and takes our order.

"What are we gonna do after this?" I ask Tobias and he smirks "it's a surprise" he murmurs and kisses my cheek "Tobias you know I don't like surprises" I say and he shrugs "to bad princess" he murmurs and I sigh. He chuckles and starts playing with my hair. I frown at him playfully and he pinches my cheek "smile Beatrice" he commands and I stick out my tongue "don't call me that Four" I say and he scoffs "are we really going to do that now?" He asks and I shrug "whatever Four" I say and cross my arms. He tackles me with a hug "smile baby" he says and I chuckle "there it is! my smile" he says and kisses my neck causing me to giggle "Tobias stop" I say laughing. He chuckles "I love you Tris" he murmurs and I kiss him "I love you too Tobias" I say and we both smile. We eat our food and head out to our next stop...


Tobias covers my eyes and leads me out of the car "Tobias what are you doing?" I ask and he chuckles "wait and see" he murmurs. We then begin walking somewhere. I wonder what where we are going. I then feel ourselves being lift up. Like we are inside an elevator.


I hear as we stop. Tobias is still covering my eyes so I still don't know where we are. Tobias begins walking again taking me with him "are you ready?" Tobias asked and I nodded my head. I can't wait to see. Tobias uncovered my eyes and I looked out a glass window. We were high above the ground (lol). I looked around and noticed that I couldn't see the Eiffel Tower which was kind of weird, until I realized that we were in the Eiffel Tower. I gaped and looked down. The view was really amazing because the sun was setting so the sky had this beautiful orange, bluish color.

"Tris?" Tobias murmured in a nervous tone.

"Yeah?" I said and waited for him to speak

"I need to tell you something" he said and I turned around to face him. He then took my hands and intertwined our fingers together.

"Tris, you don't know how much you mean to me. You're my whole world. Everyday I wake up with you in my mind and you have no idea how good it feels to open my eyes and see you beside me. When you're happy it's like the whole world lights up, and I'm sorry if this is cheesy but every time you smile I feel like my heart is melting. You know what makes you even more special to me?" Tobias murmured and placed his hand on my stomach "you're carrying the baby I gave you. I love him and you more than I love life itself. Way more. You two mean everything to me and I would do anything to make you guys happy. And I want to keep making you happy for the rest of my life, so Beatrice Prior" Tobias says as he kneels down and takes a small box out of his pocket. Oh my god! I feel the tears flooding my eyes. I put my hand over my mouth and smile.

"Would you please do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me" Tobias asked. He opened the box and I saw a beautiful silver ring with a huge diamond it. It also had an engraving. Tobias had a determined look on his face. I could also see the nervousness showing on his dark blue eyes. The ones that I fell in love with. I nodded my head while some tears of happiness streamed down my face. Tobias smiled wide and slid the ring on my finger. I looked at it and saw that the engraving read 'Four and six forever'. I smiled at that. Tobias stood up and took my face in his hands before crashing his lips to mine. I smiled in the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. I can't even describe how happy I am right now. I'm engaged to the man I truly love. We pulled up out of breath. Tobias and I were both smiling widely. He wiped the tears with his thumbs and pressed our foreheads together "I love you Tris" Tobias said and I looked into his eyes "I love you too Tobias" I murmured meaning every word I said.

I can't wait to be Mrs. Eaton and I certainly can't wait to have my little Tobias in my hands.

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