C H A P T E R 9

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I fell today and got a cast in my left leg so I can't move or do anything, anyways I decided to write... So here you guys!

Tris POV

The next day I wake up earlier than I thought I would considering we stayed up late last night. it's only twelve so I go to the bathroom, take a quick shower and change into my blue PINK sweatpants, a white tank top and I put on a pair of socks. Tobias is already downstairs in the living room watching a scary movie. I sit down next to him and lay my head on his lap.

"Good morning princess" he says and strokes my hair gently. I smile and touch my lips with my finger. He chuckles and leans in to kiss me. I smirk and kiss him back. When I pull back I giggle and look at the tv "remember we have to do the live stream thing today" I tell Tobias and he nods. I get up, walk to the kitchen, grab a box of cereal and go back to Tobias's side.


"Yes beautiful?" he asks while looking down at me "I want to go ice skating" I say and giggle "sure after the live stream we can go out with the gang or something" he murmurs and I smile "sounds like a plan" I said and kept ok watching tv with him.



I grabbed my phone and laptop and sat next to Tobias in the the screening room. I logged on into twitter and tweeted 'Live Stream right now with @FourEaton'. I got a lot of mentions and read some of them. I then turned on my laptop. Tobias started typing stuff and then the live stream started.

"Hey guys!" Tobias and I said to the cameras waving and smiling. I looked at my phone and everyone was like 'hi!' Or 'hello! we love you!'. I chuckled and looked up "we love you guys too". Tobias got his phone from his pocket and read all the things they were saying "hey and no I don't think so, it's kind of private" Tobias said and I looked at his phone. They were asking him what his real name was

'Does Tris know?' One tweet read and I nodded my head "yes I know his real name" I said and Tobias smirked

"Okay so we are gonna do a follow spree, just tweet something. Like your name and #Banana" I said and Tobias gave me a strange look "you're weird" he said and I giggled "yep I know" I said popping up the 'P'. Right after I said that everyone was spamming us with comments like:

'Jessica #banana follow me please! I love you guys @TrisPrior @FourEaton' I chuckled and followed her

'Miranda! I love you guys #banana can you say hi to the camera and say my username? @TrisPrior @FourEaton' I showed Tobias the tweet and he chuckled. We both followed her and said "Hi @MirandaLovesFourTris"

We followed more people and started to answered some questions


After the live stream Tobias and I got ready and went out with the gang. We decided to go to the ice skating arena and then we would go out for dinner.

When we got to the place we went inside and paid for our tickets. I put on my skates and stood up. I took Tobias's hand and we started skating together hand in hand.

People took pictures of us but we totally ignored them. After an hour of skating we went back to my house and played truth or dare for awhile.

I think I'll post one more chapter for today so stay tuned... lol.

I need ideas guys so please feel free to comment or send me a message ;) I love you all DFTBA

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