C H A P T E R 6

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We are sitting in Alfredo's office and by we I mean me and Tobias. He takes out his iPad and connects it to the big screen behind him.

"Okay so the 'MTV Music Awards' is coming up and you are both nominated for different categories. Tris you are nominated for six awards and Tobias for Four" Alfredo says. Tobias and I look at each other and start laughing "your kidding right?" I ask Alfredo and he nods smirking "Tobias is nominated for five" Alfredo explains and logs in to the page "Tris is nominated for best music video of the year, best eyes, best smile, top female social artist, female artist of the year and best dressed" Alfredo says and shows me where my name appears in the voting section "now for Tobias. Male artist of the year, album of the year, best fan base, top male social artist and best choreography" he shows Tobias's name.

We both smile "I'm really proud if you two" he says smiling too

"Thank you Fredo" we both say sand hug him

"Okay you two have an interview now so let's get going" Alfredo says and we go downstairs to the first floor. We see Ricky and Matt waiting for us outside. We get in the car and drive to the building where the interview is being held.

We go to the tenth floor and a boy that works there leads us to a room in the end of the hallway. When we go inside they put on a little bit of makeup and fix our hair

"Go sit over there" Alfredo says and pints to the red sofas. Tobias and I nod and sit down. Then a boy and a girl come with paper in their hands. We shake hands and they sit down in front of us

"This is no live so you can relax" the boy says "my name is Martin and this is Melissa, are you ready?" he asks

"Umm yeah sure"

The camera man comes with other people behind him including Alfredo "in five, four, three, two, action" the man says whispering the last part

"Hello everybody my name is Martin" he says looking at the camera smiling

"And I'm Melissa" she smiles

"We are here with the most popular artists right now Tris Prior and Four Eaton!" Tobias and I smirk and wave at the camera

"We asked fans to send their questions on tweeter, so let's see what they got?" Melissa says and they both grab an Ipad

"This is from Amanda Jefferson in Orlando for both of you. Tris, Four you are both nominated in the 'MTV music awards', how does it feel to have all this success in your life right now?"

(T=Tris F=Four M=Martin M2=Melissa)

F - you want to answer that?

T - I think we can both answer it

F - yeah okay

T - well we got so far and we never expected this to happen. It was also thanks to you guys

F - yeah thank you to all the fans out there supporting us! This is like a dream come true, I mean one second I'm sitting in the music room at my house writing songs and the next thing you know I'm one of the most popular international singers, so yeah thank you!

M2 - well there you go Samantha. Next question, this is from Johanna from Connecticut to Four. Which one of your songs would you dedicate to Tris?"

F - oh that's a good question. Actually when I wrote Lego House I was thinking about her so basically that song is dedicated to her, but she was also the first person to hear 'Mirrors' and 'A drop in the ocean' so those songs are for her too" I smile and kiss his cheek

This Is Forever (sequel to divergent high school)Where stories live. Discover now