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Let the games begin!

Levy hummed, looking at the ingredients. There was stuff she hadn't even heard of! Everyone seemed to be making high quality things, she stood there stumped.

What was one of her favorite foods? Cold instant ramen noodle salad? No... that's too gross. What about fried chicken? No, I'm sure someone like him isn't good with fried chicken.

She rummaged through the cabinets and such, seeing instant ramen packages. "May as well give it a shot."

She nods, getting a bowl and microwaving it. All of the girls snickered and laughed.

"She's so going to lose," Mindy laughed. "Hey Levy, just go home while you're at it!"

"Would you like me to send them away, sir?" Wendy said, handing Gajeel some water as they watched comfortably in a theatre. There were cameras, so they watched it all like television.

Gajeel smirked, shaking his head. "No. I want to see how she handles herself."

"You seem to take a liking to her," Wendy smiled. "Is she the one you will pick?"

"It's likely, but the other girls do have a chance I guess."

Levy rolled her eyes. "Oh Mindy, I'm sure your flavorless mush is going to burn, isn't it?"

Mindy turned to see that the tofu was, in fact, burning.

Mindy cursed at Levy, Levy letting the noodles soak in the powder. She got some chicken and tomatoes, grilling it and putting it in the bowl. She also got some kale, almonds, carrots, onions, and red peppers. When the ramen was cold, she poured out the broth and mixed it all together.

She put it on a plate with some toast and waited for Gajeel to return. When he did, he silenced everyone and went to taste the food.

If it wasn't good, you got sent home. Many girls were disqualified for this.

When he got to Levy, he smirked as he crossed his arms.

"No fork? What am I supposed to do, eat it with my hands?" He smirked.

"Oh!" Levy exclaimed, giving a fork to him. Some of the contestants snickered.

"Just so you know, Shrimp, I hate salad." Gajeel notes, Levy's heart dropping. She opened her mouth to correct him on her name. "Also, I don't think you want to argue with me, I'll send you home since you know the rules now."

Levy shut her mouth, glaring. Gajeel chuckled silently and formed a small spoon and put it into his mouth. His eyes widened slightly, a look of surprise on his face. He took another bite, and another, it was fucking delicious!

"Uh, sir," Levy whispered, giggling. "You still have more food to taste."

Gajeel choked, looking at her for a second before swallowing and walking off. "Right." He muttered.

Levy watched as he tasted everything, the way his face would contort when he didn't like it. The look of confusion when people told him what it was.

When that round was over, everyone stood, proud of themselves for winning. "Congratulations on making it to round two. The next task will begin shortly, you are now on break. You may talk and eat." And with that, he left everyone in the huge kitchen.

"You think you're so special, huh?" Emily, a girl in the room over sneered.

"Actually, no I don't." Levy shrugged, getting milk and pouring it in a glass. She took a sip, getting some bread and making a very high quality sandwich. She could get used to this!

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