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A day with Gajeel

When they got in, all of the boys were knocked out. Gray was naked under the bed, Lyon was asleep on a bed, Lily was napping atop the dresser, and Gajeel was covered up, snoring loudly. He seemed to still have his suit on. Jellal was in the closet sleeping... upside down?

There was a show on. Caillou. Juvia shivered, that show gave her nightmares.

"Gray, my love," She shook her husband. "Get dressed, it's time we go home."

Gray groaned, rolling over and exposing his... lets not talk about that. Levy squeaked and covered her eyes, Erza looking at the floor.

Gray staggered to go get clothes, kissing his wife on the cheek. "Mm. Hey Juvia,"

He got dressed. "Baby, can you drive home? I'm sleepy from taking care of Lyon."

"Of course, Gray-sama. Juvia is glad that you took care of him for her today." Juvia smiled. She picked up Lyon gently, looking at Levy. "Today was fun, we should do that again sometime. It was nice meeting you, Levy. Bye."

Erza bowed, going into the bathroom to change into night clothing with Levy. Levy hummed a sweet tune, using the bathroom.

Levy took the vacant bed. "Do you wanna sleep here too or.."

"No, I'm good." Erza went into the closet, snuggling with Jellal. Levy went to go see and smiled as Erza and Jellal cuddled. Somehow, Jellal changed positions and was hugging Erza, Erza's head buried into his neck.

She climbed back into the bed, drifting off.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee—

Levy woke up to see a shirtless Gajeel, with his paw called a hand on the alarm clock. She yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Ah, did I wake you, Shrimp? Sorry," He said huskily, scratching under his arms. Levy took in his beautifully toned chest, abs and biceps... heaven.

Levy blushed, yawning once again. "It's fine. Since I'm your assistant, we should probably wake up around the same time."

"How was it?" Gajeel asked, standing up and stretching.


"Your ladies day?" He clarified, doing toe touches.

"It was awesome, sir!" Levy grinned. Gajeel scowled, he had enough.

"Don't call me that." He growled.

"H-hm?" Levy looked up at him. Did she do something wrong?

Gajeel refused to meet her gaze. "I don't like it when you call me sir. Call me Gajeel, and Gajeel only."

"Yes, Gajeel." Levy said nervously.

"Good." Gajeel smirked. Ah, that signature smirk. Levy couldn't get enough! "I'm glad ya had fun, shorty."

Levy crossed her arms. "I am not a shorty!"

"Says the one who's literally under 5 foot." Gajeel scoffed. Levy's eyes widened and she froze, blushing.

"H-how do y-you know!" She pouted.

"I'm over 6 foot, and Wendy is 5'2... it's easy to see." Gajeel shrugged. "How tall are you?"

"4'10." Levy muttered, Gajeel choking. He thought she was 4'11 or at least 5 foot! He was just joking when he said she wasn't! "What?"

"Oh. I knew you were short but not that short—"

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