Thirty Two

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1,948°F//Call Her Thanos, Because She Snapped.

Knock knock! There was a knock at the bedroom door, Levy wiping her eyes groggily as Gajeel buried his face farther into his pillow.

Levy opened the door, yawning. There Amelia stood, pout on her face. She tapped her foot impatiently.

"Where's Gajeel?" She whined.

"In the bed asleep, why—" Levy started, but Amelia pushed her out of the way and ran inside.

"Oh, Gajeel!" She cried, Gajeel jolting awake and looking at levy with "what the fuck?" written all over his face. "I asked the bodyguards to make breakfast for me, but all they did was make a strawberry cake! You should hire new ones, because those two must be retarded or something—"


"OH MY GOD! CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP—" There was a crash and it sounded like Jellal slipped and fell. "Ok! Got it!"

"Don't you see what I mean?" Amelia frowned.

"They're not dumb and they're not getting fired." Gajeel sighed. "Just order some food if it bothers you that much. Actually, Erza makes a pretty mean strawberry cake. You should try it—"

"And get fat? No way!" Amelia crosses her arms, looking away. "Hmpf! You think I stay this beautiful by eating disgusting foods like that?"

Levy could've laughed right then and there, but stopped herself. She must've made a noise, because Amelia turned her way.

"As if you can cook! Nobody was even talking to you, little girl!" Amelia sneered, before freezing and smiling "sweetly" and laughing nervously. "Haha..."

Levy rolled her eyes, muttering things under her breath in different languages. Gajeel chuckled, she was so smart!

"Well, Gajeel? What are you going to do? I'm awfully hungry and— and your assistant keeps on shooting dirty looks at me!" Amelia whined.

"I am not!" Levy gawked.

"Yes you are! Gajeel, can't you see she's—"

"Both of you, stop it." Gajeel ran a hand through his hair, getting up and stretching. "Just go order yourself some food."

"But I don't want to!" Amelia screeched. "I want you to cook for me!"

"Fine," Levy sighed. "What do you want—"

"Not you, mind your business!" Amelia snapped. "Gajeel, make me some food please?"

"Wait, wh—"

"I'm hungry now!" Amelia started to stomp. Pantherlily hissed at her, now standing atop the dresser with his hairs raised and back arched. "Stupid cat! Be quiet!"

"HEY. Don't call my son stupid." Gajeel scooped up Lily, calming him.

"Awww, how cute he is—" Amelia caught herself yet again, reaching out to touch Lily, but in response he hissed and went to scratch her. "Gajeel! Get your cat! He's hissing at me—"

Gajeel rolled his eyes, groaning. It was way to early in the damn morning for this. "I know. Order yourself some food or eat the damn cake. I'm fucking tired,"

"Waaaah! You must really hate me, huh—" Amelia started to sniffle, but Gajeel cut her off.

"And don't you start with the tears. Go cry elsewhere," Gajeel started to walk down the stairs. He needed some coffee. "Levy?"

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