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Hello, everyone! You have no idea how happy this makes me.

No, I'm actually quite sad that "She's My Maid" is now completed, just as the rest of you. I mean, this was one of my first serious fanfictions!

But to be able to write this, and bring joy to all of you is so amazing. I never thought I'd get so many reads, so many comments, it was always a fantasy when I read other fanfics and saw their stats.

To have you all laughing, joking, crying, and all out screaming in the comments, it makes my heart swell. To be able to create an environment where we all feel accepted and loved, even, it's just beautiful.

A social, thriving comment section, where we all can go and talk about our days, make jokes, meme about dialogue, it makes me so happy. As an author, I want for you all to be comfortable, leave feedback, opinions, jokes and such... I wanted you all to be able to feel like you were in somewhat control of the story. I wanted to create an environment where if you had a bad day, you could hop on Wattpad, read the new chapter and laugh as you read comments and it happened. It actually happened.

I don't know what to say, really. I didn't expect for SMM to blow up as quickly as it did. To be honest, I didn't expect more than ~500 viewers, so to see 26.8K of you was really a surprise! To top it off, I've been in first place for multiple tags, such as Gale and Miraxus. That makes me so happy! I never thought that I'd ever place, to be honest.

What I'm trying to say is THANK YOU! You've all done so much for me, your support is what's pushed me to continue writing. Thanks to all of you, one of my biggest dreams have finally come true.


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