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Levy's heart was leaping out of her chest as she walked the streets of her old home. There was that coffee shop, the huge fountain, and that clothing store!

People whispered as Levy walked by, tracing the brick walls as she moved. She grinned, placing her hands on her hips, ring glittering as she stared up at the big library.

"So this is the place, huh?" Gajeel smirked.

"Mhmm!" Levy nodded. "Now you stay out here, I don't want to overwhelm my friends."

"Okay, but if something happens—" Jellal started, but Levy cut him off with a smile.

"Don't worry. I assure you, Jet and Droy won't hurt me." Levy giggled. "I'll be right back."

Levy opened the doors, seeing Jet sweeping with Droy returning books to their spots.

"She'll be here any minute..." Jet mumbled excitedly.

"Jet look!" Droy pointed, eyes wide.

"LEVY!" The two screamed in unison, crushing her in a hug.

"We missed you so much!" Jet exclaimed, giving her another hug and ruffling her hair.

"Yeah! Are you back for good?" Droy smiled with hope shining in his eyes.

"Sadly, no." Levy smiled warmly. "I still have a job, you know."

"How's that going?" Jet and Droy both asked in unison.

"I asked first!"

"No, I asked first!"

"No, I did!"

"No, I did!"

"Hey! You even copied my italics!"

"Boys," Levy giggled. "My job is actually going really well!"

"Are you sure?" Droy pouted. "You've been the talk for a while now."

"I know." Levy smiled. "I have an extra task to work on now."

"Really? What more does that pesky Gajeel want you to do?" Jet scowled, crossing his arms. "You know, you could always say no and work here if he's overwhelming you—"

"Actually my new job is..." Levy showed them her hand, wiggling her fingers. "To be Gajeel's wife."

"WHAT!?" Jet and Droy exclaimed, tears in their eyes.

"Yep!" Levy laughed as they picked her up, both of them sobbing loudly.

"WAAAH! You're growing up too fast, Levy!" Jet sobbed.

"I'm... I'm so happy for you!" Droy wailed.

"If Gajeel hurts you, you can always come back to us! We'll give him the beating of a lifetime!" Jet made a fist, Droy repeating the motion.

"Yeah! He won't even know what hit him!" Droy punched the air, Jet hyping him up.

"Thanks, guys." Levy smiled, going into her purse. "So I have a present for the both of you."

"Really? Christmas passed already, though." Droy tilted his head.

"Well, lets just call it a late Christmas present." Levy grinned, taking out a huge wad of money.

"Levy, what..." Jet's mouth fell open.

"It's to keep the library open!" Levy smiled warmly, making jazzy hands.

"Thank you so much!" Jet and Droy sobbed once again. "You're the best!"

"And also, get your tuxedo's ready. You're invited to my wedding!" Said Levy, walking over to a bookshelf.

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