Twenty Two

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Enter the old, crabby lady, Mrs. Redfox!

"What?" A woman around the age of fifty snapped her pen in half, nostrils flared. The ink exploded all over her paperwork and expensive clothing, the woman cursing loudly and walking out. Her many servants and assistants followed, close in tow. Her short straight hair was salt-and-pepper, purple eyes filled with unmeasurable amounts of rage.

She was once tall, 5'8, but due to old age she got shorter. She's now 5'6.

"M-Miss Redfox, please calm down. Everything will be s-sorted out." A servant stammered.

"You! Whatever your name is, you're fired!" She boomed. "Get out!"

They ran out in tears.

"Show me the files again!" Mrs. Redfox paced around.

"I really don't think you should do that. You've reviewed them 47 times—"

"Fired!" She snapped, two guards taking them away. They all got in an elevator, everything calm for a second as the music chimed.

They stepped out, someone handing her the files.

Meet Dolores Redfox, an entrepreneur with a heart of stone and a golden fist. She's Gajeel and Juvia's mother.

Dolores flipped through the Manila folders of photos that numerous fans and spies took of her son with an ordinary, short, measly peasant! Her pale face was turning more and more red the more she looked at it, her ears were practically spewing smoke and she was shaking at this point. "I just don't understand! Do you?!"

"N-no ma'am," Everyone shook their heads.

Dolores screamed out in fury, yelling for someone to get the phone. An employee knelt with a dial phone in hand. Dolores snapped, that employee standing and trying to keep up the pace. They were struggling with all of the sharp turns she was doing.

She snatched it. "Give me that,"

Dialing Juvia's number, Dolores calmed her temper for a second. Her daughter picked up in around two rings.

"Yes, mother?" Juvia was breastfeeding Lyon.

"Hi Juvia. So.. I'm having a situation." Dolores said through grit teeth.

"Is everything okay? Does Juvia need to come down—" Juvia started, but flinched as Dolores screeched into the phone. She handed Lyon to Gray carefully, who looked at her sorrowfully and patted her back encouragingly.

"I thought I told you to stop the third-person bullshit!" Dolores snarled.

"Juvia is—"

"JUVIA!" Dolores' eye twitched.

"I'm sorry, mother." Juvia whimpered. It wasn't really her fault that she was this way... maybe it was? She didn't really know. "Anyways, is there something wrong? You haven't called me in forever."

"OF COURSE THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG!" Dolores let out a heavy sigh. "Your idiot brother has a girlfriend, right?"

"Y-Yes... he does." Juvia's heart sank.

"Tell him to call me right now."



The call ended.

"Is everything okay?" Gray asked as Juvia sat down on the couch, head in her hands. Tears were rolling down her face. He reached out to her, flinching as she walked away to the window.

It had started to rain...

"No, Gray... Juvia's mother... she knows about Levy and Gajeel!" Juvia cries. "She's so angry! This won't end well, their relationship will have to end! Juvia's mother will be sure of that!"

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