Thirty Five

813 22 118

Trick or Treat!

"Gajeel! Levy! Wake up!" Levy jolted awake at the sound of Erza beating on the door. "I made breakfast!"

"Mmm." Gajeel groaned, cuddling Levy. Levy rolled her eyes.

"Get up. It's not my fault you decided to stay out all night," Levy scoffed. Gajeel hadn't returned until twelve am! Gajeel chuckled.

"Aww. You're still mad?" He smirked.

"I'm not mad. I just want to know where you went," Levy huffed. "You can't disappear and decide to return whenever you feel like it."

"Could you be worried?" Gajeel grinned.

"Yes. I am." Levy blushed, yawning a bit.

"Don't worry, I'm not cheating." Gajeel stared up at the ceiling, flopping onto his back.

"I know, so what were you doing out so late?" Levy sat up, making Gajeel's cheeks turn pink in the slightest.

"Drinking?" It came out as more of a question than a statement, Gajeel's inwardly cursing.

"Uh-huh." Levy wasn't convinced.

"I was! R-Really!" Gajeel stammered.

"You're a bad liar." Levy snickered.

"Am not!" Gajeel exclaimed. I just don't like lying to you...

"Whatever," Levy sighed. She climbed out of bed. Why wouldn't he tell her? What did he do? "Come on, let's go eat."

Gajeel gave Levy a hug from behind. "Sorry I can't tell you. Don't be sad, I really wish I could."

"Hmpf. Well I—" The bedroom door was swung open by Mirajane herself. She had pink curlers in her hair, a green face mask on. A thin streak of blood started to fall out of her nose, followed by a whole rocket. Mira and Laxus had flown down and arrived at 2am.


"Not again," Laxus groaned, going to pick up his (now unconscious) wife. He smirked once he saw Gajeel and Levy. "Oh? Did we interrupt something?"

"No." Levy blushed, softly removing Gajeel's arms from around her.

"Maybe you did." Gajeel trapped Levy again, planting soft kisses all over her neck and face.

"Gajeel! Hehe, stop it!" Levy giggled. Gajeel picked her up and swing her around, making the tiny bookworm laugh even louder.

"Ew. You two act like mushy teenagers." Laxus faked like he was going to puke. "Happy Halloween, I guess, cause that was horrifying. Come eat. Erza made a cake that surprisingly isn't strawberry, and it's apparently really good."

"I wonder what kind." Levy hummed as the four walked down the hallway... well, more like three because Laxus was holding Mira bridal style as he walked. She still hadn't woken up, her shipitis was flaring up!

"So you two finally decide to appear." Jellal smiled. "Good morning."

"Morning. What kind of cake is this?" Gajeel motioned to the cake with chocolate frosting. "Vanilla?"

"Nope, it's chocolate!" Lucy beamed. "Look at the little ghosts I made!"

The cake had crushed Oreos on the top, with cute little tombstones and adorable fondant ghosts.

"Mira. Get up." Laxus chuckled. When she didn't respond, he planted a kiss onto her lips.

"True loves kiss, it's too much! Guh!" Smoke was pouring out of Mira's ears, hearts filling her eyes as her face turned red and blood shot out of her nose. She passed out yet again.

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