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Just a quick authors note before we begin this special chapter! I am so very pleased to announce that She's My Maid has reached 4.02K views today (January 15, 2019)! Not only did we achieve that, but we also earned #2 on the Gajevy ranks, #5 on the Rowen ranks, and #3 on the ft ranks! We are #1 on the Hot list! YES! Aaaaaaa! A couple months ago, I would've NEVER expected to make it this far. But day after day, chapter after chapter, my book begins to grow and I thank you all for that. Without you guys, reaching this point wouldn't even be possible! And so, without further ado, this is our special chapter! (Might make another for 5K wink wonk)

EDIT: On February 3, 2019, "She's My Maid" has reached 5.02K! I have no words, honestly. It hasn't even been a month and I've been gifted a thousand more views. Thank you, everyone! I hope that this chapter doesn't disappoint.

YET ANOTHER EDIT: I don't know exactly when this happened (I haven't been very active lately, school and projects are hard to balance), but "She's My Maid" has hit the ultimate milestone! We are in the number one spot on the Gajevy list! Oh my god! How did this happen?! How can I repay you guys!? Thank you so much!



"Hello," Levy smiled, stack of papers in her hand.

"We got word from up high that we have to answer some questions." Said Gajeel, smirking at Levy.

"I'm so excited!" Lucy grinned. "This is apparently a special chapter!"

"Really? Juvia can't wait to see what questions you all have," Juvia beamed.

"Okay so," Gajeel went through the questions marked under his name. "How old is Gajeel? I'm 25."

"Next," Erza squinted at it before having a dark look on her face. "Why is Erza so scary at times? What do you mean? I'm not scary at all, haha."

"Oh! Looks like we have another one asked by the same person!" Jellal gasped. "Have a scene where Erza teaches Jellal the art of quick change! Okay, come on, Erza— HEY WAIT DON'T—"

Erza started to take off her shirt, laughing loudly. "Don't worry." She pulled it off, a bikini top on.

"It takes concentration. I like to call it requip," Erza chuckled. "Can we get an extra set of clothes for Jellal?"

"Okay," Someone brought in something for him. Jellal bounced around in excitement. "Yay! I'm so excited."

Erza put on a dress that was brought to her. "Okay, so have whatever you're going to wear near you."

"OKAY!" Jellal nodded. "What next?!"

"I'll do it slowly," Erza slowly took her dress off, everyone watching. Suddenly she was in a big T-shirt!

"THAT WASN'T SLOW!" Jellal cried.

"Okay well you have to grab whatever you're gonna wear quickly and put it over your head, or just wear two sets of clothes?" Erza tried her best to explain. "It's really just a talent I have, I don't really know how I do it."

Jellal tried but ended up tripping and hitting the floor. "Ugh! It's so hard!"

"It takes practice, and soon you can seamlessly do it!" Erza switched outfits again and again.

"R-Really?" Jellal kept trying. He did it, of course not as perfectly as Erza, but HEY HE'S GETTING THERE! "ERZA I DID IT!"

"OMG YOU DID IT!" Erza bounced up and down, everyone watching very confused and weirded out. "WHO GOT THAT ON VIDEO!?"


"Jellal, do it again!" Erza got out her cellphone. Jellal sobbed silently as he failed.

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