Thirty Six

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For Her

"Ugh, my feet hurt." Gray grumbled, Lyon asleep in his arms as he walked.

"Stop whining. We're gonna get in a car soon. We're just gonna stop at my house and dump the candy on the table." Natsu grinned.

"Why not keep them in the buckets?" Lucy tilted her head.

"Because we're gonna get more candy at this party, Lucy. Duh," Natsu scoffed.

It was now nine o'clock. Trick-or-Treating was pretty hectic.

For starters, seventh graders kept hitting on Levy, making Levy extremely uncomfortable as she explained to them how old she actually was as Gajeel threatened to kick their asses.

Mira and Laxus ended up playing pranks on the poor children by jumping out of bushes to scare them, or saying that they came from the depths of Hell to steal candy from people, and if they didn't give the candy up, they'd TP their parents houses after dousing them in eggs and ending Halloween forever. When someone told Laxus "but you look like an angel to me," he responded "Uh, yeah, I am. I came to supervise my girlfriend to make sure she doesn't hurt anyone." Of course, they ended up owning up to their jokes and apologizing. No candy was stolen, thank god.

Erza and Jellal had an all out sword fight in the middle of the street just for the fun of it. Erza was throwing some (pretty sweet) taekwondo into the mix, it kinda looked light Street Fighter or something like that if you ask me. Pantherlily was on the sidewalk earning tons of cuddles from almost everyone. He was definitely enjoying the attention.

Natsu punched another trick-or-treater in the eye because they leapt out of the bushes and he wasn't expecting it. Trick-or-Treating had to end early after he flung his bucket at the child and sprinted away in fear of the kid's parents finding out. Lucy gave a sincere apology on Natsu's behalf and handed the kid some money as a bribe. They happily took it, all of the tears gone. This was probably the most embarrassed Meredy had ever been in her entire life.

Gray and Juvia were probably the only people who had an overall normal trick-or-treating experience. They took tons of great photos and got lots of candy thanks to Lyon.

Finally, Wendy and Romeo's Halloween was pretty hectic. Romeo had to carry Wendy around the whole time, she got tired of walking and complained her feet hurt. She also got mad at Carla for getting her fur dirty, earning a few hisses that made Wendy start to sob. Other than that, it was fun.

Everyone released a sigh of relief as they dumped the candy out of the buckets.

"How was it?" Romeo smiled.

"I punched a ten year old in the face." Natsu mumbled.

"We made tons of kids cry tonight, it was hilarious!" Mira giggled.

"Damn. It's no wonder Angel's such a bitch. She probably has PTSD or something from what you guys put her through—" Gajeel jokes, earning a dark glare from both Mira and Laxus. He sweat, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, sorry."

"Well," Levy tried to lighten the mood. "I got hit on by a bunch of middle schoolers."

"Wait what?" Lucy snickered.

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