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Happily Ever After

"And that's the story of how your mother and I fell in love." Gajeel grinned at his two of his four children, twins who were now five, ruffling their heads.

"Woah! No way!" Adrienne, the younger twin gasped. Her navy hair was unruly and long, just like her fathers, her hazel eyes twinkling. She had smooth pale skin, just like her mother's. She's 3'8. "You and mommy are so perfect for each other!"

"That's so cool!" Jeremiah, the older twin exclaimed, ocean blue hair covering his red eyes. He preferred to have it that way, because it was just like his older brother's, but "cooler". He's 3'8 also! "Did you hear that, big bro? Dad's battle scars are awesome, too!"

"Dad's told us this story a million times." Rogue, the eldest child shrugged. His jet black hair was short, covering the right side of his face. His eyes were crimson, just like his father's. He has a scar running over his nose, and he has olive colored skin. He's 16 and is 5'9.

"Haha, he recites it like it's the Bible." Gale, the second eldest laughed. Her black hair was straight and short, in a bob. Her eyes were amber and she was pale. She's 15, 5'10.

"I'd gladly listen to it a gajillion times!" Adrienne huffed, crossing her arms. "I ship mommy and daddy. You just don't understand."

"You act just like aunty Mira." Jeremiah stuck his tongue out. "Yucky!"

"And you look like a frog!" Adrienne scowled, Jeremiah chasing her through the house.

"Take it back!"


"Yes! I do not look like a frog!"

"Yes you do!"

You could hear the two of them bickering from a mile away. Pantherlily was sitting on top of his scratching post, looking like he was ready to kill himself. He was old now, but Gajeel still loves him just as much.

"Hey dad," Rouge inched closer to his father. Frosch, Rouge's cat meowed loudly, also demanding Gajeel's attention. Frosch was a green cat (some mean kids forced dye onto his once white coat, and he was sent to a shelter where Rouge got him) gifted to Rouge when he turned thirteen. Frosch is never seen without his pink frog hoodie. Rouge and Frosch are practically inseparable.

"What?" Gajeel leaned back on the couch.

"Can we go to Lucy's house today?" Rogue played with his fingers. "I wanna hang out with Sting."

"Oh! Yeah! We should go to Aunty Lucy's house today!" Jeremiah grinned.

"She has cool toys!" Adrienne gasped.

"And we could go to Coney Island!" Gale added in, looking up from her book.

"Ah, you'll have to talk to your mother about that." Gajeel rubbed the back of his head. "She should be getting home soon."

"Okay!" All of the children said in unison. Gajeel went and picked up Lily, kissing him and giving him ultimate cuddles.

"What's up, buddy?" Gajeel said sweetly, Pantherlily meowing. "You're so old now."

Adrienne and Jeremiah loved to pet Lily too, even though it was more grabbing his tail. Pantherlily endured it, no matter how annoying it got.

The door unlocked, Levy walking inside with some groceries. "I'm home!"

Everyone stared at her as she walked in.

"Is there something on my face?" Levy giggled, putting away some of the groceries.

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