Twenty Six

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Blockage and Barriers

*This chapter is dedicated to Sugar_And_Spice125 ! This chapter was her idea and I really thank her for that. I've been having a bit of writers block lately, but she's given me a ton of ideas to push this story forward with that one suggestion. Thank you, Sugar!*

Levy stirred all night, she didn't want to go to sleep to relive that hell. What if she had another nightmare? This made her sigh again.

There was a knock at the door downstairs, Levy went to go open it. Lector stood there, cackling loudly.

Levy couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, speak, or scream. Her eyes filled with tears and she blinked, Lector disappearing. It was just a hallucination.

Levy sunk to her knees, crying softly. It was just a nightmare, why was she so afraid!? It felt so real!

Levy tensed up as she felt a presence behind her. "Levy?" She didn't move, for she already knew who it was.

Gajeel ran to her, shutting the door. "What are you doing— a-are you crying? Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

Levy turned her face away, not daring to look at him. If she did, she'd probably start to act like a baby.

"Levy?" Gajeel walked to her, frowning as she flinched and ran away. "What's wrong? Why are you running from me? Please just tell me what's going on!"

"Nothing is wrong!" Levy's voice cracked.

"Levy, it's one in the morning! What is going on with you?" Gajeel's eyebrows furrowed and his voice raised a bit.

Levy ran up the stairs, running into the bedroom and closing the door. She locked it, crawling back in the bed. Something about this time was different...


Levy felt that she was sinking into the bed, falling from what seemed like water. Now she was just falling through the air. She didn't bother to scream this time, just letting herself fall.

Everything was in slow motion as she did so, Levy hitting the "floor" softly. Everything was black, Levy was the only thing in this vast space.

Step after step, the floor started to illuminate, beautiful colors bursting throughout the air. Levy giggled and started to run, twirling and skipping. She wished she could stay here forever, away from all her worries.

She froze as she saw a presence, blood running cold.

A woman around the height of 5'2 glanced at Levy, sapphire blue eyes meeting hazel ones. Her soft, pink lips curled into a smile as she stood slowly, walking to Levy. Navy hair went to her waist and was perfect as ever. Her skin was flawless. "Oh Levy,"

"M-Mommy?" Levy's throat was dry and raspy.

"My dear," Adrienne smiled warmly. "Look at you! You've grown so much since I've last seen you!" Levy let her mother's cold hand embrace her face, thumb caressing her cheek.

"Yes, I have," Levy whispered. Suddenly, Adrienne had a fistful of Levy's hair, eyes crazed and scary.

"What a disgusting, horrible person you've grown to be! I'm perfect, am I not, but you!?" She screeched. "You're a fucking disappointment! Your father was right, we should've aborted you!"

"No," Levy's voice started to raise as she pushed her mother away, backing up. "No, no, no, NO!"

"You stupid whore!" She taunted. "I've been watching and your stupid boyfriend is worthless too! He doesn't even love you!"

"It's not real, Levy! It's not real!" Levy whimpered, tripping over herself. She hugged herself on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. This wasn't real, right!? Her mother wasn't actually saying that, right? Adrienne was supposed to love her!

"Keep lying to yourself, hon." Adrienne pouted, laughing loudly. She picked levy up by her hair. "You should cut this off, it's ugly! Why couldn't you be perfect like me!?"

Levy was screaming like never before, bellowing and struggling against her mother.

"So weak," Adrienne snickered.

Levy shrieked in pure agony as she felt a fire erupt inside of her skin and spread throughout her whole body. It hurt! It hurt so bad!

Levy was flung onto the floor like a rag doll, seeing her mother run into Lector's arms.

"Oh darling," She rested her hands on his chest, head in the crook of his neck. "What a failure she is. I can't even look at her,"

"Failures don't need to exist," Lector smirked sickly. Levy backed away, knowing what was to come.

"No..! Don't! Please don't! Stop!" She cried—


"NO!" Levy shot up, tears streaming down her face. Gajeel was sitting beside her, a ghastly look worn on his face.

"Levy," Gajeel said softly. "You need to tell me what's going on. You've been screaming and crying again."

Levy clawed at herself, shaking like a leaf. She wouldn't dare meet his eyes, letting out a shallow breath.

"We had to break down the door to get in here," Erza held an axe in her hand. "You really have to tell us what's going through your head."

Gajeel leaned to ruffle her hair, looking in shock when Levy backed away, falling from the bed.

"No..! D-don't touch me!" She screamed. "I.. I.. get away from me!" She started to sob and curled into a tiny ball.

"Hey hey, shh..." Gajeel cooed. "Let it all out. It's okay, now I need you to tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong! I'm p-perfectly fine!" Levy looked away. "I'm okay, so don't come any closer!"

"And you're a horrible liar," Dolores rolled her eyes. "This is getting sad."

"This is not the time." Gajeel sighed, running a hand down his face. He walked to Levy, sitting on the floor beside her. He slowly wrapped his arms around her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

Suddenly, she pushed him roughly and started to cry even worse. "Stop! Leave me alone! You're going to hurt me!"

"What? Shrimp, you know I'd never do anything to hurt ya," Gajeel whispered, a sad look in his eyes.

"That's what everyone says," Levy whimpered.

"And this everyone must be Lector McGarden, right?" Dolores had Levy's phone. "You have 47 missed calls from this bastard. I went through all the messages he left. You should really put a lock on your phone, stupid girl."

"Put that down!" Levy screeched, running over. Dolores held the phone over her head.

"I'm filing a restraining order for you," Dolores hummed. "I might sue." She called him back.

"Hello," Dolores sneered. "You're an asshole. I just want you to know you'll be dealing with the authorities."


"You're giving the poor girl nightmares!" Dolores' voice was laced with anger. "You're a pathetic excuse for a father."

"Levy, I know you can hear me," Lector growled. "Just know I am going to make your life hell. You think a restraining order will stop me—"

"Okay, that's enough. Kiss my ass," And with that, Dolores hung up the phone. She was the only one who was allowed to bully Levy.

"Levy?" Gajeel rushed to catch Levy, who's eyes rolled into the back of her head. She fainted, falling into his arms. "Levy!"

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