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A date with Jellal (main focus of this chapter is Jerza.)

"Are you sure I'm not too casual?" Erza said, turning in the mirror. She was in a crimson dress that went to right above the knee, it was rather casual. She also had on some black flats  and a dagger strapped on her upper thigh. Her hair was not in a style. "Maybe I should change..."

"No! You look great, Erza." Levy laughed, sitting on the arm of a couch.

"Yeah, just go and do what you must. It's about time you two go out," Gajeel smirked, sitting on the same chair Levy was on, except he was actually in the chair while Levy was sitting on the side. Erza raised an eyebrow.

"You're one to talk." Erza scoffed under her breath. She looked in the mirror, letting out a shaky breath. "Well, I should be going now."

She walked out of the room.

"Okay, lets go." Levy hopped up, the two putting on disguises.

"Jellal?" Erza knocked on the door. He walked out, in a tux. Erza smiled shyly, heart beating in her chest. "You look... nice."

Jellal could've fainted. "Y-you too..."

Erza looked at the floor, blushing. "Okay, come on. Let's go eat."

"And you're sure we can't go to McDonalds?" Jellal chirped, a false sense of hope residing in him.

"Yes." Erza glared. Jellal laughed, the two just walking around the streets of Russia. "Where to eat... where to eat... damnit I should've planned this out better."

"Why don't we eat there?" Jellal pointed at a steakhouse.

"Uh, sure!" Erza sweat, she felt like someone was watching her, but couldn't just pull out the knife because the police would be after them.

Levy giggled, taking Gajeel inside. Erza and Jellal were seated.

Gajeel and Levy watched with magazines covering their faces but occasionally they peeked out.

"Shrimp, I'm getting a call. We gotta go home," Gajeel frowned, Levy sighing.

"Okay. When you're done legs watch a movie?" Levy chirped.

"Sure." Gajeel smirked, scooping Levy up like a sack of potatoes.

"HEY!" She exclaimed, laughing.

"So..." Erza played with her hands.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful— n-nice no wait—???" Jellal groaned. Erza laughed.

"Yes." Erza smiled, brushing her hair behind her ears. Jellal blushed.

"Hi, I'm Donavan and I'll be your waiter. What would you like to drink?"

"Water," Erza said, skimming through the menu.

"Sprite!" Jellal grinned.

"Okay. I'll be right back with your drinks." Donavan walked away. Erza played with the hem of her dress.

"How have you been doing? What did you buy?" Erza hummed.

"Some... stuff." Jellal thought of what to say.


Donavan arrived with a glass of water and can of sprite. He dropped the sprite, muttering sorry.

Jellal reaches to open the drink.

"Jellal don't. Wait—" Erza started, but it was too late. The sprite fizzed everywhere and the two got kicked out.

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