Twenty Four

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"Family" dinner and warm rain. (Part Two)

(A/n: sorry for splitting the chapter into two parts! I just felt that the chapter was getting a bit too long, and if I'd done the whole thing in one chapter it'd be over 3,000 words. Would you prefer it if there were longer chapters? Be sure to tell me in the comment section!)

Levy looked down at her feet as they walked in. She already knew that everyone's eyes were on her, and would probably just die if she saw all the stares.

I mean, that's Gajeel Redfox walking in a restaurant full of people, plus his rumored girlfriend AND his mother. Oh boy, this is gonna be some good tea.

Everyone was silent, soft orchestral music playing in the background. They were seated.

"U-um hello," The waitress smiled sheepishly. Her dark skin was freckled, blemishes and acne here and there. Her Afro was puffy as ever. "Can I start you with something to drink?"

"Water, please." Erza stated.

"Choc— WATER." Jellal squeaked as Erza pinched him. Right! He couldn't have chocolate milk here. They had some at home anyway.

"Can I have a sweet tea please? Thank you," Levy smiled.

"I want a Château Margaux." Dolores squinted.

"Um, I'll have to check in the back, but—"

"This is a 4.9 star rated restaurant and you're telling me you don't carry wine!" Dolores' voice started to raise.

"I'm sorry, but it's really expensive wine, we have others—!"

"I want to talk to your manager! I'll have you fired on the spot, some nerve to tell me what I can and can't have!" Dolores yelled, people watching.

"Mom. Stop." Gajeel said lowly. "She'll have a... sangria. And can I have a Merlot?"

"Y-yes sir," The waitress frowned. Would she really be fired? She scurried away quickly.

There was now an awkward silence.

"So, shorty. How does it feel to be sitting in luxury? Considering a peasant like you hasn't ever experienced something like this," Dolores snickered.

"Excuse me?" Levy snarled.

"Oh come on. You know I'm right," Dolores laughed. "I did a bit of research on you, you know. You haven't paid the phone bills. You lived in your friends old house. Your friends helped you pay bills and eat. You're such a leech! How could you even pay them back if you didn't have any money?"

"I was trying to get a job!" Levy yelled. "I'm trying to pay them back for all of this now!"

"You really think I'm going to believe that? You don't even know what to do with all of your riches!" Dolores smirked. "You're blowing it on a whole bunch of new things, huh? Go big or go home, am I right? Since you came from nothing, now you're a hotshot, it sure feels great, ah?"

"What are you talking about—"

"I know you're not that stupid!" Dolores grinned darkly. "You're some girl who grew up with a broken family,"

"Mom stop." Gajeel's hands balled into fists.

"Then decides to run away to god knows where! Starts over, or so you think, and starts to try and find a job! But nobody wants you, 'cause you're absolutely worthless." Dolores mocked. "Oh, look at me! I'm a helpless midget! Oh Gajeel, save me from my suffering! It's honestly sad."

Levy was shaking because of all of the anger, sadness, and pure hatred she felt right now. Her nails were digging into her hands as she tried to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes. She had an angry glare on her face, yet tears were threatening to fall?

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