Twenty One

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Midnight snacks and Cheap Flip Flops!

Levy awoke at around one in the morning, she wasn't sleeping very well. The images from the night before, even the whole experience put her on edge. She buried her face into her hands, running them through her hair with a long sigh.

"You okay, Shrimp?" Gajeel grumbled.

"Yes. I just have some thinking to do," Levy nodded. The curtains were opened, rays of moonlight brightening the dark room.

"Is yer friend alright?" He sat up, eyebrows furrowing. "Hey," He grabbed her chin, moving that side of her face in the light.

Levy's stomach dropped. She forgot to put on more makeup! He probably saw the hand print on her face! "Y-Yes?" She moved her face, looking away.

"What the hell happened to your face?" Gajeel tried to stay calm but that was a struggle. He didn't want to scare Levy though.

"I-I um... tripped..?" Maybe it wasn't a handprint! Maybe it was just a normal shaped falling on the floor bruise..?! "No wait! You're seeing things, you're tired! G-go back to sleep!"

"Stop lying to me. What happened?" Gajeel already knew. When he went to use the bathroom, Erza and Jellal explained everything. He wanted the shrimp to tell him what happened though. He touched Levy's cheek, frowning as she winced in pain.

"It's nothing serious... I can handle it myself." Levy whispered. "I don't want anyone to get hurt.."

"Levy, tell me what happened." Gajeel frowned deeply. Why would the shrimp lie? Why would she lie to him?

Levy started to cry, hyperventilating. His stare was too intense! "M-my dad..! He.. he... he wants me to quit! I said no and—"

Gajeel gave her a hug, letting her cry. "Ya know what? C'mon shrimp. Let's go out."

"Okay..." Levy waited for Gajeel as he put on some clothes. Not anything fancy, just a shirt and some pants. She hadn't thought about shoes...

Gajeel grabbed her hand, the two of them sneaking out and running down the hallway of the motel. They went to the snack store, buying tons of things and sitting down.

Gajeel ate a chocolate pudding cup first, when levy offered him a spoon he said no. He licked all of it out of the cup expertly, winking at her. Levy's face turned beet red and she punched him.

"H-hey!" She blushed as she ate her Oreos.

"Gihi!" Gajeel grinned, wiggling his eyebrows. This made Levy smile softly, Gajeel smirking. "Glad to see you smiling again."

Levy smiled in response.

"Whatever happened, we can talk about it when you're ready." Gajeel ruffled her hair. Levy nibbled on her Oreo, looking at Gajeel out of the corner of her eye.

She bit her lip, Gajeel's gaze meeting hers. "What is it?"

"Thank you," Levy smiled. "For everything."

"It's no problem, Shrimp." Gajeel chuckled. "I just wanna make sure you're okay. How could I not care for an adorable, tiny girl like you?"

"Aah, I'm not tiny! I'm just compact." Levy pouted.

"Sure, Shrimp." Gajeel smirked. "Whatever you say."

Levy puffed her cheeks out. "You're just a giant."

"Giants are pretty cool," Gajeel chuckled. "Smashing buildings and stuff... ohh, am I a giant gorilla like King Kong? And you're that hot blonde?"

Levy smiled to herself. "If you think about it that way, yeah."

"Then I guess," Gajeel stood up, grabbing Levy and holding her with one arm. "Yer comin' with me! Raaaaa!"

"Haha, Gajeel, put me down!" Levy laughed, punching his arm.

"No can do, Shrimp." Gajeel ran around the small store, climbing a tall shelf. "Roar—!"

The cashier gawked at Gajeel. Was that really the Gajeel Redfox? He snapped a few photos secretly. Gajeel climbed down, blushing slightly. Levy smiled.

She took one of his pudding cups, eating it with a spoon. Levy got some on her nose, squeaking and tensing up when Gajeel got close to her face and licked it off.

"G-GAJEEL!" Levy put her hands in her face, steam flowing from her ears as her face was beet red.

"Gihihi! Shrimp, what's wrong?" Gajeel smirked. Levy looked at him, face still red. She gave him a warm smile, dipping her finger in it and drawing him some eyebrows. "HEY!"

Levy sucked her finger. "What a nice work of art."

"Damn, you don't have to tell me how hot I am." Gajeel chuckled, wiping it off.

"T-that's not..! UM!?" Levy squealed. "Why are you doing this to me..."

"I think my heart is gonna fall out of my chest," Gajeel let out a shaky breath, looking Levy in the eyes. "Tell me you feel it too."

"I do," Levy admitted. "I've felt this way forever."

The two sat in a comfortable silence, eating the snacks on the floor. When they ran out and Levy was full to bursting, they decided to go walk around the town. Neither of them wanted to go back to sleep!

There was a slight drizzle, the two walking around. There was a park, Levy wiggling her toes in the grass as they ran around.

"Hey, I don't like you walking around with no shoes." Gajeel grumbled, picking Levy up. "Let's go get some."

"Oh! There's a dollar store around here," Levy chimed. "Go straight and then to that shopping center. It's open 24 hours, or so I'm told."

"Let's go," Gajeel ran to the place, the two of them getting flip flops. They made a strange crunching sound as they walked.

They ran around the town for hours, doing random things and being dumb. Gajeel got drunk and tried to strip again, Levy having to drag him away even in her laughing state.

"Hehehe, Gajeel! Stop!" Levy giggled as he ticked her, grunting as he tried to strip at the same time.

"But Shrimp, you know they wanna see this hot bod!" Gajeel moaned. Levy pulled him by the ear, groaning as he threw up on the side of the road.

"Ewwww!" Levy laughed. "That's yucky, Gajeel."

Gajeel continued to puke, Levy patting his back. "Okay, lets go home."

"On the jet?" Gajeel grumbled.

"Of course!"

"But what about Jellal and Erza? What about Lily—?" More throwing up.

"We're in the jet now!" Levy grinned, making plane noises. She ran off, slipping as the flip flop broke. She got right back up and stretched her arms out.

"Hey wait! Don't leave me behind!" Gajeel ran behind her. They got back to the hotel, going back inside. Levy unlocked the door, a lamp suddenly turning on.

"I've been expecting you," Jellal spun around in a rolly chair, stroking Pantherlily.

"Ah." Gajeel threw up again. Okay, now he knows never to eat taquitos from a random stand on the side of the road.

"Gross." Jellal face palmed. "Go the heck to sleep." He grumbled, climbing back in the bed. "Waiting up for hours just to do that. That's something I always wanted to do, haha."

Levy then went to sleep, waiting for Gajeel to join her. She kissed his cheek when he returned. "Goodnight. Thank you for everything,"

"Night," Gajeel started to drift off. "Love ya."

The two fell asleep on each others arms. Levy looked like a sushi roll, cuddled up in the blankets at the point where Gajeel didn't have any.

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