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Girls Day!

(Come up with your own outfit that you want Levy to wear!)

"WHAT!?" Gajeel screeched as Juvia took Levy. "She's my assistant! Not yours! I need her, ya know!?"

"I want to spend more time with her!" Juvia crossed her arms, she got out of the hospital. "It's a girls day and you're not invited!"

"Aw, don't worry Mr. Redfox." Jellal cooed as he had on one of Levy's skirts that were waaayy to small for him. "I'll be the new assistant for a day. Won't it be fun, sir?"

Erza face-palmed, shaking her head. He's so dumb... "Sir, if he gives you any trouble, call me."

"You're leaving too!?"

"It's a girls day, uncle." Wendy said sarcastically. "What, we weren't gonna take Erza because she's not a girl? OF COURSE WE'RE TAKING HER!"

"Don't you have a baby to take care of?" Gajeel came up with excuses. Sure, Erza would be going, but what if the shrimp got hurt? What if Juvia or Wendy got hurt?

"Gray's watching Lyon for the day." Juvia smiled.

Levy walked to Gajeel with a determined smile. "Don't worry sir, I'll try my best not to get into any trouble! When I get back I'll work extra hard!"

Gajeel grumbled, stroking Lily. "See? Lily doesn't even want you to go."

"He can come too!" Wendy scooped him up.

"BUT LILY'S A BOY!" Gajeel groaned. Wendy gave him back.

"Oh shut up Gajeel. We're just gonna have fun, that's all! We'll get Levy nice and rested for her work tomorrow, ok? God." Juvia scoffed, taking Levy and pulling her away.

They walked through the hotel corridors.

"So what's on the agenda?" Erza asked.

"I was thinking we could go shopping, to a spa, and then go eat dinner and the amusement park?" Juvia suggested.

"Sounds great!" Wendy gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, lets go." Juvia said, driving the car to the mall. They shopped at so many different stores, stopping in front of one. Victoria's Secret.

"Hey Levy," Juvia looked over. "When was the last time you got some lingerie?"

Levy's face turned red. "No! No no, I refuse to go inside—"

They dragged her in, getting her fitted for bras and everything.

"Hmm.. Levy, how does a push-up sound?" Erza asked, holding up the black lacy piece of fabric.

"Eek! That's weird! Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?" Levy shook her head. They still forced her into it.

Everyone in the store looked over at the fitting rooms. You could hear squeaking and crashing, along with grunting and refusal.

Employees knocked on the door. "Is... everything alright?"

"Yep!" Erza grunted. "We're good! Stop struggling god damnit!"

"Juvia no!" Levy gasped as Juvia held up a strange article of clothing.

When they finished, Levy looked traumatized as they bought her everything. Honestly, she thought she looked sexy in everything they chose but they way the forced her in it was horrifying.

"See? That wasn't so hard was it, Levy?" Wendy giggled.

"You shut your mouth." Levy heaved.

"Oh c'mon, when Mr. Redfox sees you in those he'll drop dead!" Erza snickered.

"Who said he'll see me like that!?" Levy screeched, blushing. Even the thought was mortifying. Her boss seeing her in a bra and panties?!

When they left the mall, they went to the spa. It was a very nice, calm place.

"Welcome to Serenity Spa. Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes. Fullbuster," Juvia nodded. The receptionist squeaked, saying something into a little microphone and they were given service.

"You may go into the sauna first, then the hot springs. We do this so that you can be relaxed." The man said. Everyone was in a towel, nothing more.

"Okay, so we just sit in here with towels on?" Erza asked for confirmation.

"Yes. I'll get you when it's time for you to play in the hot spring."

"Play?" Wendy snickered under her breath.

They all sat in the sauna.

"Aaaah... so relaxing." Juvia sighed.

"Mhmm... mom, we should come here more often." Wendy leaned back.

Erza sat there, sighing loudly. The calmness made her think about Jellal. He would love this place! She would not get down in the dumps because of him on this girl's day though, no way in hell.

"It's so warm~" Levy hummed, looking content.

"You like this place, huh? We should all come back!" Erza grinned. "Though I wonder what Mr. Redfox is doing?"

Meanwhile, with Gajeel, Jellal, Lyon, Lily, and Gray...

Gray and Lyon decided to come over so they could have a boy's day.

"So..." Gray said awkwardly as Lyon was playing with Lily.

"Uh.. hows Juvia?" Gajeel asked.

"You literally just saw her a couple hours ago." Jellal raised an eyebrow.

"Well I'm sorry! It's just weird for me not to be working!" Gajeel yelled in frustration. "I'm bored!" He pouted, crossing his arms.

"Then just work."

Gajeel threw a pillow across the room, having a small tantrum. He wanted the shrimp to be here so he could pick on her or something! Why couldn't he just be normal Gajeel without her!? This was weird!

"Come on Gajeel. Here, let's just go out and do something. I'm sure you won't be bored then!" Gray exclaimed.

"But what about your child?" Jellal raised an eyebrow.

"Oh." Gray frowned. "Well let's just walk around the town or maybe like watch a movie or something?"

"Sounds fine I guess."

And so the guys spent the rest of the day watching movies.

Meanwhile the girls were at a very fancy restaurant.

Levy stares at everything on the menu in confusion. What even was all of this?

"I'll order for you, Levy." Erza smiled sweetly. "But next time, you've gotta do it yourself."

The waiter came, taking everyone's order. The rest of the night was spent eating good food and seeing tons of the pretty city in Toronto.

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