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Father-Daughter "bonding" time!

Levy walked with Gajeel, they were going to sign a partnership with some really big company. She couldn't remember the name. It was some pharmaceutical branch, Levy thought that was pretty cool!

Mid-meeting, her phone started to vibrate. She looked down, it was Cana. She declined the call. She would have to call back later. It vibrated a couple more times, Cana texted her instead.

Gajeel finally signed the papers. Levy fist bumped him, Gajeel smiling and ruffling her hair. "OK, Shrimp. Ready to go home?"

"Yeah. I have to make a call first," Levy nodded, walking away. Around a half ring later, Cana picked up.

"Levy. You need to come back, now." Cana sounded serious. She wasn't drunk or anything. "So I've been staying at your house because HEY, it's a house and not an apartment, right? But your dad showed up and came in and was asking for you. I told him you weren't here and he started throwing stuff and telling me to bring you here or else. You really gotta come back."

"Okay. Get out of my house," Levy was shaking. Why did he come back? Why now?

"I-I can't." Cana sighed. "I'm tied to a chair. HEY—" The phone was snatched.

"Listen here you little bitch," Lector sneered, hatred lacing through his words. "Where the hell are you? Don't lie to me."

"I'm at w-work," Levy was afraid.


"I got a job for Redfox Industries!" Levy yelled back.

"Why the fuck would he hire you? You're worthless." Lector scoffed.

"I'm not worthless." Levy said calmly. "Please release Cana and get out of my house. I will call the police."

"I guess I'll just kill her first. You're coming down here, wether you like it or not." He had a crazy edge in his voice. Levy started to cry.

"L-Lector please! Just let her go!" She sobbed. "I...! I don't know if I can come down... it's going to take a while—"

"Take a while my ass! You've got 48 hours to get your slutty ass over here!" The call ended. Levy sunk to her knees and sobbed onto the floor. Gajeel turned the corner and rushed over.

"Hey, why are you crying? What's wrong?" Gajeel picked her up. "Shrimp, answer me. You're scaring me, what's wrong?!"

"I need to go home," Levy sniffled. "Just for a day or two. I have to go tonight."

"Why?" Gajeel was confused. "Can I come?"

"I don't know. Cana needs me, that's all." Levy sighed. It was only a half-lie...

"Okay. I'm trusting you." Gajeel helped her pack her bag and they flew home.

The plane ride felt like days. Gajeel saw that Levy was on edge, frowning deeply. "Hey, why are you so stressed right right now?"

"It's nothing..." Levy started to cry. "Nothing at all."

"Don't cry!" Gajeel cooed, giving her a hug. "I love you, you know that, right?"

Levy nodded.

"You can tell me what's wrong." Gajeel looked her in the eyes.

"There's something wrong with Cana." Levy sniffled. "I don't know what the outcome will be."

"Here, I'll see if I can help—"

"NO!" Levy exclaimed, waking up Erza. She fell back asleep. "No, I don't need it."

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