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A "real" date with Gajeel!?

"No, put this on instead!" Lucy held out a frilly orange dress with an open back.

"Lucy calm down," Erza shook her head. "She should clearly dress more casually. You don't even know where she's going."

"Yeah but it's good to improvise! Gajeel's probably gonna take her to a fancy place for lunch," Lucy defended.

"What if I just wore this?" Levy held out a red headband, with a white cute shirt with green sleeves that was longer in the back where it kind of looked like she had a tail (ish?) some grey shorts and boots.

"What if I just wore this?" Levy held out a red headband, with a white cute shirt with green sleeves that was longer in the back where it kind of looked like she had a tail (ish?) some grey shorts and boots

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"That's actually a really good idea." Meredy nodded in approval. "I like it."

"You should go with that." Erza and Lucy smiled.

"Okay." Levy grinned. Pretty much, everyone set them up on a date. They had to go around the city to do something, and then Gajeel would suggest they stay out for longer and have fun. Levy didn't know that though. "But were just gonna come back, maybe get some lunch so I don't know why—"

"Go!" Erza pushed her out of the room. Levy walked downstairs to see Gajeel on the couch. They gave him a pep talk for how to ask out a girl, hyped him up, and told him about a firework show coming that night!

"You ready, Shrimp?" He asked, blushing. She looked absolutely stunning. He held out his hand for her to take, Levy placing her small one in his.

"Yeah! Let's go," Levy smiled, blushing too. She liked holding his hand... the two walked outside, inhaling fresh air.

They went to a fake conference, taking notes and chatting. After that, Gajeel suggested they hang out more.

"Okay," Levy nodded.

"Are ya hungry?" Gajeel asked, looking around to see if there was a good cafe around. "We can get something to eat if you want."

Levy grinned. "Sure! I have a friend from New York, he said we should try this pizza place." She pulled it up on her phone. "If it's fine with you."

"Sounds good. Let's go, I'll go get us a ride to drive there. Follow," Gajeel stated, walking to a garage. "I say we switch things up."

So many cars!

"These are all yours?" Levy's mouth dropped.

"Yep," Gajeel grabbed a motorbike, starting it up. It was a sleek metallic black. Levy gulped, she'd never rode one before! He got on, staring it up. "Ready?"

"H-helmets?" Levy squeaked.

"Oh come on Shrimp, don't be a wuss. Helmets are for losers—"

They ended up walking to a store and getting an $100 helmet for Levy.

Gajeel groaned. "You're no fun."

"Safety first!" Levy put it on, Gajeel tying his hair into a man bun.

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