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Naps and Movie Nights!

"Sir?" Levy and Gajeel were in America. They walked through the busy streets of New York City. She'd already bumped into so many people, and lost Gajeel, Erza, and Jellal in the process. "G-Gajeel? Gajeel!? Erza? Jellal? Someone..?"

They had a business meeting and she couldn't be late! It was important for Gajeel...

Someone bumped into Levy.

"Watch it!"

"Почему бы тебе, ты уродливый заросший кусок дерьма !?" (Why don't you, you ugly overgrown piece of shit!?) Levy cursed at him in Russian, she took time to learn the language. She wasn't the best, she was still a learner. She also spoke Japanese, Polish, German, Chinese, Korean, and Arabic. She wanted to add more languages to that list, though!

She sighed, she shouldn't have said that. That was rude. She was just frustrated to another extent! That didn't mean she could take it out on others though...

Levy sniffled, feeling the urge to cry. She pulled out her phone and— another person bumped into her and knocked the phone to the ground. It broke.

She saw who did it, and rushed to pick up her phone. She followed. "Excuse me, sir! Sir!" He saw her but chose to ignore the small bookworm.

She grabbed hold of his sweater, pulling him back a little. "Sir! You bumped into me and my phone fell. It broke, you have to pay for the repairs!"

"I don't have to do shit, little girl! Go back to the kitchen," He turned to leave.

Levy's eyebrows furrowed. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me." He sneered. "What the hell are you gonna do, flick me? Look at how small you are, you probably can't even hurt a fly!"

"Pay to fix my phone!" Levy yelled. "I have work, this is a working phone! Please!"

He pushed Levy roughly. "No!"

Levy hit the ground, vision spinning. He sure did push her hard. She hit her head, the phone falling from her hands at someone's feet. She recognized someone's size 14 shoes. Levy started to see small dots in her vision, looking up slowly to see Gajeel with a scowl on his face.

Erza had her arms crossed with a murderous glare on her face, Jellal looking angry.

The guy gulped, looking at Gajeel.

"Explain to me what the hell I just saw." Gajeel said lowly. "Why is the Shrimp on the ground looking like she's going to die?"


"You pushed her, right?" Erza sneered.


"And you broke her phone!" Jellal glared. "Douche."

"You have ten seconds to say sorry, and give her the money to fix it." Gajeel growled.

"But I—"


"I'm sorry!" The man cried, throwing $100 on the ground. He ran away.

Levy slipped away from reality. She didn't know Gajeel could be so intimidating...


Levy's head hurt. Everything was sore. Her throat was dry, all she wanted right now was water. She groaned, opening her eyes slowly. It was too bright... 

She smacked her lips, blinking. She looked over to see water on the beside table. She gulped it down, refreshed. Who's bed was this? It was huge...

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