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Green dolphins, blue water, and red cheeks.

"Let's go to the beach!" Lucy exclaimed, Meredy beaming with excitement.

"Oooh! Sounds fun!" Meredy beamed. "Let's go to Coney Island this time, mom!"

"Beaches? I have work to do today," Gajeel scowled, typing on his computer.

"C'mon Gajeel! Live a little!" Natsu frowned.

"No. I've already been slacking." Gajeel mumbled. "Calling Lily's nanny every day making sure he's not dead."

"But Sir! We promise it'll be lots of fun!" Erza whined.

"Yeah! We can all beat each other with water noodles!" Jellal suggested, motioning a stick to beat the life out of someone with.

"No." Gajeel stated.

"Please, Gajeel?" Levy asked, puppy-dog eyes intact. Gajeel gulped, he couldn't say no to her!


They were all sitting in the car, in bathing suits and swimming trunks. Levy's was a one piece with red and white stripes, Lucy's was a pink bikini, Meredy's was a purple two piece with a red cover up that was gold at the bottom and it looked like a cape, Natsu's was just some red shorts with fire on it, Gajeel's was black with grey bands around it, Erza's was literally armor, and Jellal's was just navy blue shorts.

"Tch. I can't believe this." Gajeel grumbled, looking out the window. His phone vibrated.

His face exploded into a red color as he looked over at Levy

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His face exploded into a red color as he looked over at Levy. She has a towel on, thank god. He let out a shaky breath.

"Aw Sir," Erza giggled as she poked him from the trunk where all of the towels, the cooler, and a whole bunch of other water toys were. "You look like a tan tomato, what happened? Thinking about a certain someone?"

His face now begun to rival the color of Erza's hair.

Erza smirked, wiggling her eyebrows. Jellal hummed, poking Gajeel too.

"Siiiir," He sang. "What's this?"

"Hush!" Gajeel muttered, glaring out the window. He tried to get the temperature on his face down but to no avail. "God damn it Lucy."

Levy was thinking as she stared out the window. They were stuck in traffic.. again. She let out a small groan and then a silent chuckle, she didn't understand how Natsu and Lucy could bear to live out here! Russia was way better. Then she started to think about her job. Levy was a persona assistant but never really actually did work. They usually travelled and she would just sit at the meetings quietly and then go home and cook. She's never been an assistant before, is that what they do?

And the whole personal part, what else was she supposed to do, bathe him? It made her laugh, but then as the images of her bathing Gajeel popped into her mind, making her eyes widen as she started blushing. She looked out the window, trying to calm herself.

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