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The Interview!

Levy woke up bright and early, going into the bathroom to shower, brush her teeth, and sit on the bed in a towel. She went into her bag, dressing into a simple outfit.

(You can pick any one from this page, except from the two already used and the wedding dress, sleep clothing, backless yellow dress, stripper clothing, beautiful white collared jacket vest thing, and the adorable Neko hood

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(You can pick any one from this page, except from the two already used and the wedding dress, sleep clothing, backless yellow dress, stripper clothing, beautiful white collared jacket vest thing, and the adorable Neko hood. !)

She stared in the mirror with determination. "You are gonna get this job, Levy!" Last night, she was given the details of her number, she was number 100, and the scheduled time to be in Gajeel's office. Her appointment was at 12:45.

She paced in the room, humming to herself. Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous!

She looked at herself in the mirror again. "Why are you so nervous, Levy? You're gonna KILL IT!" She made gross noises while motioning a knife, laughing at the end. "See, that's this interview! Dead! Oh gosh, now I sound like a creepy killer. That would be a nice Halloween costume to scare kids though..."

She opened the door to her room, seeing the line of people waiting. She was not going to stand 3 hours in line! She could at least get some breakfast, right?

She went into the kitchen, seeing that it was locked? What?

Wendy appeared on time yet again. "Oh! Levy! If you're wondering, you'll eat at 10. Just an hour, and you'll be eating down here in the commons. It's donuts and coffee."

Levy's stomach growled at the thought, Levy blushing out of embarrassment. "Sorry."

"No no! It's okay!" Wendy giggled. "I'll make sure you get the best donut!"

Levy smiled back kindly, getting her book from her suitcase. She read, and when she finished one book she asked Wendy for another, and another, and another.

Levy's new favorite book (and now author) was Fairy Tail by Lucy Dragneel. She though Lucy had only gotten popular from her husbands popularity as a leading salesman, but no! Lucy is an amazing author.

The book was about this guild who went on crazy adventures, there was even this part where they got trapped on an island for 7 years! Levy thought it was amazing.

She spent the rest of the day reading them until her interview. She even almost forgot to eat breakfast!

It was now 12:20. Levy went and stood by Gajeel's office, waiting patiently. Out walked Serena, a busty woman. She walked out in tears, apparently she got sent home for trying to seduce Gajeel?

Levy knocked on the door, she was the final interview. "Come in,"

Gajeel looked so tired. His hair was ruffled more than usual from running his hands through it, he had coffee next to him and he just looked straight annoyed.

"Good morning, sir!" Levy chirped.

"Afternoon." Gajeel corrected, his mood got better just by seeing the girl. She radiated positivity and happiness.

Levy squeaked, two seconds and she'd already messed up? "May I sit, sir?"

Gajeel nodded. Levy sat down in the chair across from him. "So what made you want to work for me, especially in this position."

"To be honest," Levy chuckled. "It was kind of sudden. I just saw the fliers and decided to do it. I am in a tight spot and I need money, I'm close to eviction from my home. Of course, if I get this job I won't need that house anymore, but I just really need a job! All the jobs where I life are full so..."

Gajeel scribbled something down on his paper. "So you're poor?"

Levy blushed intensely. "When you say it like that it makes me feel weird! Mr. Redfox, please try to be a little bit more polite!"

Gajeel raised an eyebrow, writing something else down. "Alright, Shrimp. What kind of qualities do you have as a person? Personality?"

"Um, I'm hard-working, kind, optimistic, easygoing, smart, and I guess compact? My personality is kind of a bookworm maybe? I'm not really sure."

"Mhmm." Gajeel hummed. "Any relatives I can contact."

Levy looked away. "No,"

"What are you going to do if I hire you?" Gajeel's eyes met hers.

"Be the best assistant I can be!" Levy grinned, putting a thumbs up.

"And if you don't get hired?"

"I'll... keep moving on in life! There's other chances y'know!" Levy smiled sadly. She really wanted this job.

More writing.

"What are your intentions with the money? You do get a vacation for a week whenever you want in the year but that's it until the next year. What would you do on vacations?"

"Money wise, since I won't need to pay bills, I'd pay to keep my favorite library open and help get it renovated. Or maybe to a charity... maybe I could do both! Oooh, I could buy tons of books!" Levy beamed. "And on vacation I'd probably go to an island, or back to my hometown to say hello!"

Gajeel mumbled something like "she has a good heart" or something along those lines.

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom. I've been holding it all day." Gajeel stood up, walking away into a room on the left.

Levy crossed her legs, nodding. In the office, there was a large window in the back that had curtains pulled back. It had nice hangers and exit. The walls were a basic grey, the floor beige maple hardwood. The desk was on the far side, right in front of the window. It had a fuzzy carpet underneath that totally did not fit the scene. The desk was large with papers scattered all along it. The chairs were black with dragons engraved. Levy looked at his pen, it was a cool black color with steel all around it. It had dragons engraved onto it. He must really like dragons... Levy hummed to herself. There was a picture on the wall of Gajeel, looking hot as ever. Levy's lips parted and she started to blush a little, slight pink on her cheeks.

Gajeel came back, looking at Levy. "Hey, Shrimp. I'm back now, let's continue,"

Levy nodded, Gajeel asking her tons of questions. Some were easy, and others made absolutely no sense.

When it was over, Levy went back to the commons and awaited the results impatiently.

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