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The first (real) day!

They were in Russia. Levy had on a black pencil skirt with a white ruffled shirt and a black blazer with black headband, black knee high socks and black heels. She followed behind Gajeel as he walked through the huge office building. She had her binder in hand, with all kinds of color coded dividers.

Gajeel was taking long strides, Levy sighing. She had to use the formalities here, or at least around other people, so that people didn't get the wrong idea... well, they already did.

Some magazine or paparazzi took millions of pictures of them in Canada when they went out to have fun. They'd even been edited to make it look like they were dating!

"S-Sir!" Levy said softly.

Gajeel stoped, turning with a mischievous grin. "You want me to pick you up again?"

Levy blushed. "N..no!"

Gajeel chuckled, slowing down. "So today, I have three meetings. You will sit with me during all of them and make sure nobody is cheating me. You're smart so I trust you."

Levy nodded, writing that down.

"We have an hour before the first one so go get me a coffee and meet me in meeting room 05." Gajeel said, walking in the opposite direction of Levy.

Levy went to the break room to get a coffee, seeing one of her coworkers. "Hey, Ashley! What's up—"

"Seducing Mr. Redfox, huh? I never would've thought..." Ashley sneered. "Slut."

Levy rolled her eyes, shaking her head. This happened all the time. The females all apparently had a crush on Gajeel! It was absurd. "Mhmm." She made the coffee, leaving. Ashley slapped the cups out of her hand, splashing the hot coffee all over Levy's shirt.

"Ouch!" Levy frowned, glaring at Ashley. "This was expensive! You're going to have to pay for this, you know!"

"I ain't paying nothing!" Ashley smirked.

Gajeel was standing there. "I'll just cut it from your paycheck. Come on, Ashley. What is this, grade school? Grow up. Also, you're fired. Your paycheck will come in the mail."

Ashley pushed Levy.

"Oh! Now I'm calling the police and filing a lawsuit and a restraining order, you just assaulted her!" Gajeel growled, he didn't like it when people messed with Levy. He wouldn't tolerate it.

And so, the police got called and Ashley was sued.

"Gajeel! You missed two meetings!" Levy groaned. "It wasn't that serious!"

"Psh, it is serious. Nobody touches what's mine—" Gajeel froze, walking away. "Next meeting, let's go."

Levy stared in confusion. His!? What? WHAT? Her face turned crimson at the thought, but she continued walking behind him. They reached the meeting a bit late, both of the salesmen talking about leaving.

"Sorry I'm late," Gajeel stated politely. He sat down, motioning to a chair for Levy. She opened her notebook and grabbed a pencil.

This is so boring... Levy groaned as the meeting went on. She watched the way Gajeel talked, his posture proper for once. The way his beautiful eyes masked all of the boredom he probably felt... she was still incredibly bored though.

She scribbled down something about the businesses working together, waiting for Gajeel's final answer.

"No." Was all he said before leaving.

Levy's mouth fell open. "Sir! That was rude!"

"Not really." Gajeel said, looking at his phone. "They wanted an answer so I gave em one. I knew from the start what my answer was gonna be."

"Then why even waste their time? You couldn't even consider it?" Levy pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Let me see your chest." Gajeel said roughly. Levy blushed, looking up at him.

"W-What? No!" Levy squeaked.

"We can go into the bathroom for you to take off your shirt but I need to see." Gajeel stated normally, as if he wasn't asking Levy to undress for him.

"I am not taking off my shirt!" Levy blushed.

"I just wanna make sure you're okay!" Gajeel barked.

"I'm fine!" Levy rolled her eyes.

Gajeel crossed his arms. "But you're also the type of person to lie for the sake of others,"

Levy's mouth dropped. "Wha— I'm not taking off my shirt! I didn't even get burned!"

"I'll ask Erza to, then." Gajeel sighed. "I don't see what's wrong with you showing me how bad the burns are."

"Because I can't just go showing off my body to random guys. If I got burned, it would be right here," Levy motioned to the area around her boobs.

Gajeel shook his head, a light blush on his face. They started walking again. They went to his office, getting lunch and they just worked the rest of the day. Gajeel took short breaks to play with Lily.

Lily meowed as Levy stroked him. "You're such a handsome boy." He purred loudly, Gajeel gritting his teeth together. He snapped his pencil in half as Levy picked him up and pretended he was flying.

Levy jumped. "G-Gajeel!"

"God damnit shrimp!" Gajeel growled, storming off. Levy gulped, looking away. What did she even do? Was she annoying him?

Meanwhile as Gajeel stomped off, he was wondering why he even got so mad in the first place. Sure, he was bored and easily irritable, but that didn't mean he had to lash out at the Shrimp.

He was thinking about her chest which was obviously burned, yet she chose to lie. She was so happy all the time and it didn't make sense to poor Gajeel.

He ended up walking to a bakery and buying her a cupcake.

He walked back into the office to see a ready eyed Levy working for him. She was looking at her notes and through the files, up and down.

"L-Lev?" He said softly, feeling bad already as he saw her nose a bit too red and her eyes puffy. She got up and crushed Gajeel in a hug, not caring about the rules.

"I'm sorry!" She cried, although she didn't even know why she was crying. "I-I didn't know you'd get so annoyed and I'll try to fix it—!"

Gajeel hugged her back, Levy sobbing uncontrollably. He hated to see her cry, and she hated when he was mad at her. Gajeel would literally murder somebody for making Levy like this. "Shhh. Shrimp, it isn't your fault. You didn't even do anything, it was just me. Don't apologize."

Levy sniffled, looking up at Gajeel. "Oh.."

"I just was thinking," Gajeel sighed. "And then I was bored, and then the reading wasn't making any sense and... yeah."

He handed her the cupcake.

"Do you want help?" Levy asked, opening the box and taking a bite. It was so yummy! Though he hated to admit it, Gajeel nodded. Levy helped him do his work, the two driving home together.

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