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Wedding Bells and Sangria jugs ~

*This chapter is dedicated to Sugar_And_Spice125 , LunarGelfling45 , and TrinityPeach8949 ! They all know how to spam votes and leave comments that leave me crying with laughter. Now I will award them a shiny medal. Here you go, Sugar~ Take care of it, Lunar! Hey Trinity, I hope you like shinies! :)*

Levy looked out of the plane window in awe as she saw the pretty blue water of Hawaii. It was already a wonderful vacation. Well, it was actually a wedding! Wendy was getting married today!

"It's pretty, right?" Gajeel smirked, chuckling as Levy placed her face onto the window.

"Yeah!" She grinned.

"I'll take you here again sometime, now put the seatbelt on, we're landing." Gajeel buckled her seatbelt. Levy blushed, twirling a finger in her hair.

Suddenly, she jumped, holding her eye. Well, more like the area a bit above her eye. She yelped, saying "Ouch.." under her breath. Her foot jumped as she looked uncomfortable.

"Shrimp? What's wrong!" Gajeel exclaimed, this was scaring him.

"O-oh... it's nothing much... just a tension headache, that's all..." Levy sighed. Gajeel ruffled her hair, smiling at her.

"Hey. Let's go get ice cream to help you feel better," Gajeel hummed, but Levy smiled about 5 minutes later.

"I'm okay now." Levy grinned. "Thanks for caring though."

"Aaaaaa!" Jellal pointed. "Erza, we've GOT to get them together!"

"Yes, Jellal, we do." Erza nodded.

Everyone got off of the plane, going to the hotel so that they could get dressed for the wedding.

Gajeel had on a black tux, Jellal had on a navy blue tux and Erza wore a navy frilly dress, and Levy had on an orange dress with a bow on the back.


Wendy sat in her vanity, sweating buckets. The venue was beautiful, but she was just so nervous! What if she messed up?

"Stop sweating, honey. You'll mess up your makeup," Juvia giggled.

"But mom! I'm so nervous!!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Don't be nervous, okay? It's your big day, you don't have TIME to be nervous." Yukino laughed, tying the bow on her dress. "Now spin~"

The dress twirled beautifully.

"Oh my lord! So beautiful!" Juvia sobbed. "Juvia's baby is all grown up!"

"Now who's the one going to mess up their makeup!!" Wendy snickered.

"It's waterproof for this reasonnnnn! Waaaaa!" Juvia sobbed. "Juvia remembers when you used to pee in your bath because you thought I wouldn't bathe you if you did! And you used to cry when I took pictures of your cute little bum! And then when you turned five, when we smashed your face in the cake, blood got everywhere because your tooth fell out and you started crying because you thought you were gonna die! Then you got excited because of the tooth fairy. And—"

"OKAY MOM THAT'S ENOUGH!" Wendy blushed. She was a weird kid.

Juvia peeked out, giving her daughter an encouraging hug. "Ah! It's almost that time, knock em' dead, darling."

Juvia and Yukino had to leave and take their seats.

The music begun to play as Meredy walked down the isle with flowers. She dusted them across the silky red carpet, everyone turning around to see Wendy.

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