Thirty Seven

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  Tick... tock... tick... tock...

The clock chimed one, then two, then three. Two weeks. Two weeks since that night. Police are investigating, nobody was inside the building to give reports of what actually happened. The camera footage got fried, sadly.

Gajeel had been in the hospital for two weeks due to burn related injuries and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Levy held his hand as he slept, he'd just been transferred out of ICU. "Oh, Gajeel. Please wake up."

Dolores walked inside the room. "He's not up yet?"

"Sadly, no." Erza sighed.

"Is he in a coma?" Dolores' heart sank at the thought.

"Heavens no!" Erza exclaimed. "He's just asleep."

"Oh." Dolores said softly. "He didn't deserve what happened. His hair... he used to love it when I brushed it."

She opened her purse and pulled out a diamond comb. Levy gawked at it.

"What? I thought it'd be nice to have, tiny girl." Dolores chuckled. She slowly raked it through his hair, humming a soft song. "He's so stupid, fooling around with that girl. He should've just jumped out instead of trying to save her."

"What do you mean?" Levy tilted her head.

"I know Gajeel," Dolores smirked, shaking her head. "He probably was in there trying to get her to jump out with him. It's sad, honestly."

"Damn." Juvia said sadly. "Juvia wonders when Gajeel will wake up?"

"Soon, I hope." Levy kissed Gajeel's forehead.

"He's such a good guy." Dolores smiled softly, hand shaking now. "Growing up, He never did drugs or did anything bad. Hell, the few times he snuck out was just to get a reaction from me. I just..."

Dolores' voice trailed off, tears filling her eyes.

"I feel like it's all my fault! I should've been a better mother!" Dolores screamed. "I should've showed how much I really cared! All of his drawings, I kept! Every time he sung for me, I listened! I pushed him away because he looked too much like his damn father! Gajeel brought back too many things that I'd been trying to forget, but I shouldn't have taken that out on him! It wasn't his fault! And now... we never were close and it's my fault! Now we might never be the same ever again! I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me, I was always so hard on him for no reason! And you too, Juvia!"

"J-Juvia?" Juvia pointed to herself, eyes widening.

"I shouldn't have kicked you out when you got pregnant! I should've supported you!" Dolores sniffled, Juvia crushing her mother in a hug. "I'm a terrible mother!"

"No you're not!" Juvia sniffled. "Juvia loves you and thinks you're a great mom!"

The two cried together for a while.

"Wow." Gajeel coughed, grunting as he sat up. "I didn't know you felt that way—"

"Gajeel Redfox!" Dolores rushed over, grabbing him by his collar. "Don't ever scare me like that again!"

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