Coffeeshop Romance (Pedro Pascal x reader)

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This is Pedro Pascal x reader. No warnings.

He wasn't your type.

Still, there was something about him that made your heart beat a little bit faster every time he walked into the coffee shop. There were lots of similar ones on the same street right next to each other but he always chose yours to get his morning coffee from. You loved it here, it was your baby, your project, your everything. It had taken you years of hard work to get this far and you wouldn't trade this place for the world.

Early December in New York City, the town was packed with tourists. Everyone was mad about buying fancy presents for their loved ones and in between shopping, they desperately needed coffee.

So naturally, your coffee shop was overflowing with tourists as well.

Pedro Pascal came in on Tuesday morning and with his hair in a mess, he looked tired. You and him would always have a chitchat when he ordered his coffee and you were around, which was usually the case. He had a charming and sweet nature and seemed like a genuinely nice man. Also, he could get quite flirty. There were hardly any of his visits without him checking you out, complimenting you or giving you frisky looks. You never picked up on it because you didn't find him attractive in that way, he honestly wasn't your type. You seemed to be his type though. He tried again and again, repeatedly disappointed about your response.

He never got annoyed, though, he seemed to be one of those persons who could hardly  get irritated. Whenever he was recognized by fans, you watched with interest and amusement how he signed numerous bags, phones or clothes, always smiling.

This morning however, he seemed agitated.

"Good morning, darling. What can I get you?" It was early and none of your employees had started their shifts yet.

"The usual," he mumbled without looking at you. You considered whether to ask him about his state of mind or if that was inappropriate.

"Right," you gave a small smile and turned around to make his coffee. The atmosphere was intense and peculiar.

You placed his coffee on the counter and he finally looked up at you.

"Are you alright?" Your question came out as a whisper which had not been intended.

"I'm just very, very tired. But I'm glad you seem to care about my wellbeing," Pedro responded and his lips curled into a smile. It was as if the sun had risen and lightened up the whole room. His smile was contagious and you couldn't help but mirror his expression.

He thanked you for the coffee and wished you a great day. Before he left the shop he turned around to face you, "by the way, you'd better stop looking this cute, else I don't know what might happen."

With these words, he was gone and quite frankly, you were more than happy about it because you felt your cheeks burn in bashfulness.

The rest of the day you could not get him off your mind, though it was very busy until finishing time.

You heard the bells on the door ring indicating someone had come in. All your employees had gone home and you were the only one left in the shop to tidy up some things.

"Sorry, we're clo-," you began to yell, but stopped when you saw who it was- Pedro.

"I know, I know. I have to ask you something," he stuttered and with one hand in his hair he seemed nervous.

Your eyes met his and you waited curiously for what he wanted to ask.

"Have a coffee with me. Or tea, or whatever. Just- I'd like to get to know you. That's not too much to ask, is it?"

He looked adorable and you were flattered by his sense of honesty and courage, so you could not possibly turn him down this time.

"Ok," you smiled, "sit down. I'll bring tea."

His face lit up in a huge smile and he did as he was told, sitting down on the old leather sofa by the window.

You noticed how the smile on your lips was still present when you poured boiling water into a teapot. Placing the pot and two mugs on a tray, you remembered the bottle of Whiskey underneath the counter you had once gotten for your birthday by your employees. Some spice for the tea wouldn't harm anyone, you supposed.

Pedro beamed up at you when you joined him on the sofa. You felt his eyes linger on you when you filled the mugs with tea and it made you a little shaky.

"Would you like some Whiskey in your tea?" You broke the silence and Pedro nodded resolutely for you to continue.

"Thank you," he muttered and you took a seat next to him. Now that you were so close to him you smelled his scent for the first time. It was exceptionally nice and suited him so well.

You handed him a cup of tea and leant back on the sofa, relaxing for the first time today.

"Tough day?" Pedro questioned and knocked his tea cup against yours, "cheers."

You told him about your day, crying children and helpless mothers, annoying tourists, skinny bad tempered models. Talking to him was wonderful and you felt purely comfortable in his presence. It didn't escape your notice that he had edged closer to you on the sofa and you didn't mind- in fact you began to fall for him a little and it astounded you.

Eventually, you skipped the tea and went to drinking only Whiskey on ice. The golden liquid made your head light and gave your stomach a warm feeling. To be honest, this feeling was also caused by Pedro's hand occasionally brushing against yours. Every time he touched you a jolt of electricity went through your core and made you jump in delight. Pedro was still flirtatious- his compliments felt much more appropriate in this intimate setting.

You excused yourself to the toilet at some point, feeling sorry for disturbing the atmosphere. It was already 10pm when you checked your watch, wondering how time had flown by so fast.

Pedro stood up from his seat when you walked back into the room.

"Everything ok?" You questioned and approached him slowly, "can I get you anything else?"

He smirked down at you, nodded, and decisively took your face in his hands to place his lips firmly on yours. Instantly your hands wrapped around his neck and you kissed him back, fully giving in to the kiss. His right hand moved downwards to your waist and he pulled you closer to feel your body warmth. Pedro deepened the kiss by gently entering your mouth with his tongue and you willingly let him, your cheeks blushed brightly red as you stifled a moan at the feeling. You'd never have guessed he was such a great kisser.

When he pulled back you instantly missed him. He was still holding you in his arms and his eyes were locked on yours.

"Do you have any idea for how long I wanted to do this?" He breathed and gently kissed your forehead.

"No." You had closed your eyes again, savouring every second, every smell, every touch.

Instead of telling you, he lifted your chin with a finger so you looked at him again. He kissed you once again, lingering, before he pulled you into a warm, tight hug. With your head on his shoulder you wondered why you hadn't given in to his attempts earlier.

But, better late than never.

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