Chapter 12

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"Zy," I turned to my uncle walking up to me. 

"What's up Unc?" 

"Phone call for you. Go to the office." I nodded and headed for the office. I glanced down at my cell phone and saw that I didn't have any missed calls. It makes me wonder who called me at work of all places. I keep my phone on me at all times so it's not like you can't reach me. And if not me then the likely people to get the call next would be my uncle and cousin Malik. 

"Hello?" I picked up the line. 

"Hey Zy it's Toni," she said. 

"What's up? You back in town curly top?"

"That I am numbnuts. I just left Mo not too long ago."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yup. I'm like five minutes away so you can expect to see me soon. I brought food too."

"Wow. So you're just gonna invite yourself over here like that?"

"Pretty much. See you in five minutes!" She hung up right after that causing me to chuckle. 

"Aye unc!" I called out to him. "I'm going on break." He waved me off as him and Malik started walking towards one of the trucks. Shortly after, Toni pulled up. "What's up curly top?"

"Numbnuts," she said handing me the to-go box. We went inside and sat in the office. "You know I know what happened between you and Mo right?"

"Mhmm," I muttered. I knew the moment she called me. What other reason she decided to bring me food? "What about it?"

"You know, you're being real childish Zy."

"Mhmm."She snatched the plate from me while I was eating. "Yo-"

"Don't ignore me nigga," she glared.

"Look Toni, I know you're trying to be her friend and all but this ain't none of your business. I don't feel like talking about it."

"Too bad for you because we're going to talk. You know how Mo is. This spat y'all got going on is really messing with her. She can barely concentrate at work." I didn't say anything. "You need to grow up Zy."

"Excuse me?" 

"You heard me. Everyone with two eyes can see how in love with that girl you are." I was about to open my mouth and protest but she stopped me. "Are you SERIOUSLY about to argue with me? Me of all people?" I stopped to think about it. She's right. Besides my family she's the only one who knows for a fact how I feel about Mo. "You need to come clean and tell her how you feel."

"Can't do that. The last time I let my heart out there it got broken so I'm not going through that again."

"So you're gonna sacrifice something good because YOU put yourself in a toxic situation? Monique is not like your hoe of a baby mama and you know that. Stop looking for an excuse."

"Toni you know damn well that's not what I meant," I snapped. "I know Mo isn't like her. I wouldn't dare disrespect Mo by comparing the two because there ain't no need. But you know how Mo is. She doesn't see me as anything more than a friend. I don't want to make shit awkward between us by bringing feelings into this. I don't want to lose her as my best friend."

"What's worse Zy? Losing someone you love without trying? Or going through life asking yourself 'what if'?"

I shook my head. "I can't do that. I gotta keep these feelings to myself."

"Well you sure as hell ain't doing a good job. Getting mad every time she talks to someone new. Face it Zy, you can't stand to see Mo move on. And if you keep this up YOU'RE going to ruin the friendship you so desperately want to keep. Mo loves you a lot and I'm sure she doesn't want to let go of your friendship anytime soon or ever but every woman has a breaking point. If you're going to keep pushing her away I hope you're prepared for when she decides to walk away too."

I sighed. "I don't know man."

"Come clean Zy. At least tell her how you feel. We both know how insecure she is. I'm sure once you give it your all her feelings for you will surface. You can't wait on Mo to make the first move. You have to do it. If you don't, you're going to lose her before you got a chance. There are two people already making their move."

I sighed and rubbed my temple. I've been holding on to these feelings for years now. I always convinced myself it would be better if I kept them inside. Don't force them on her. I claimed it was a phase and not real love. Too scared to admit the truth. I just came up with every and any excuse there was to keep my feelings from running wild. It was all out of fear. Fear of being hurt again. The fear of losing the ONE true friend I had. I was scared of a lot of things going wrong if we did try to be together. But I had to admit, there was another fear creeping up on me.

The fear of losing the one person I love. I'm scared, terrified, that Monique will move on and find love while I just stand on the sidelines watching the woman I love be loved by someone else. I didn't want that. I want Mo to be happy but only as long as it's with me. I thought I could accept us just being friends. But obviously, I can't. I want to at least try and see if we could make this work.  I don't want to give up before giving it a shot. 

"Iight," I finally said. "You're right. I need to come clean. Keeping these feelings to myself isn't doing anything but making me go crazy. I don't want to have any regrets in life. I'd rather accept that we gave it a shot and it didn't work out rather than give up at the starting line."

"Thank you finally," she said. "Been waiting for you two to get your shit together for the longest. Just so you know I'm on Team Zyshonne so you better get that ass in gear."

I chuckled. "Alright Toni. Can I get my food now nigga?"

"No. You and Mo need to make up and then you can get your food. Call her."

I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone. Toni was bouncing up and down on the couch all excited and shit. "Zyshonne?" She sounded surprised like she didn't expect to hear from me. 

"Yeah busy?"

"Kind of. I got a lot of work to do."

"Oh iight. You think it's okay if I swing by your place tonight? I need to talk to you about something important. I don't want to hold you up on your work and this is something I need to speak with you about face to face."

"Oh okay. That's fine. I'll let you know when I leave here. You can just let yourself in."

"Iight. Thanks Mo." I hung up the phone and sighed. I'm really about to do this. I wonder what's gonna happen after this. 

Hey guys!! Hope you all liked the chapter. Few announcements though. 

Announcement 1: Instead of updating two books at a time I'm going to delete A Hate Love Thing 2 and re-write the first book. After much debating I've decided to write the book the way I originally wanted it to go. Sorry to anyone who's reading it and likes the book. I just can't get myself to write the book that way and after looking more at the outline I don't think I can stretch three books like I first thought. 

Announcement 2: Thick Thighs has been completely edited and I will be posting the new chapters soon. It's the same story, mostly the same drama, I just wanted to make it sound a bit more realistic. They'll all probably get updated in one day and I will let you all know when. The book won't need to be unpublished for the edited chapters.

Announcement 3: After Curves is finished I'll likely hold off on putting up new books and instead focus on editing the old ones. So you all have the opportunity to let me know what books you want to see get edited and what things you want to see change. (New drama, old drama, etc.)

P.S. To all those reading A Hate Love Thing 2 it will be deleted some time today, likely after this updates. Sorry to anyone who's reading it and the first book.




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