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I squinted my eyes, wondering if I was dreaming or not. I was sleeping in MY bed beside Lei. I'm hugging her, she's hugging me, softly snoring in her sleep.

I felt a sharp pain in my head as I tried to remember last night. I remember crashing into my bed.

Fuck you, Luke I thought. I forgot that Leijin sleeps in my bed.

Maybe because you think she would sleep at Ash's huh? a part of my head said.

Stop thinking about them like that, the other part of my head defended.

If I am dreaming please don't wake me up, I thought as I stared at her face, her head resting at the crook of my neck, delicately breathing at my neck. I felt my skin tingle.

I only missed her, didn't I? I told myself. She's just my bestfriend, right? it was slowly becoming my mantra. But as she moved in her sleep, clinging more to me, hugging me tighter, I felt my body react in a way a guy should never react to his girl bestfriend. I had trouble breathing, my heart automatically double-timed its pace. I had to control myself not to reach over to her face, to kiss her lips-

"Urrrggg," she softly mumbled, nailing me into place.

Don't let her wake up, please, please, I thought.

I took a deep breath as I slowly untangled myself from her. This would cause more drama than me seeing them inside the elevator. I checked the bedside clock: 5:34 AM. Good thing nobody else is awake.

Or so I thought.

"Seems like you had fun last night, Lucas," Michael mumbled almost making me jump.

"Fuck you," I whispered and walked over to his bed. This is bad, of all people, it was Mike who had to see, "It's not what you think. I was drunk and forgot that she sleeps there so I just crashed."

I lied down on his bed beside him, put my hands at the back of my head and stared at the ceiling. I can still feel my heart raging with the sleeping-beside-Leijin-while-hugging-her part. I had to shut Michael up, ugh, this is gonna be hard.

And I was right.

"Drunk, my ass," he grunted, "you expect me to believe that when a few minutes ago you were hugging each other and honestly, Luke, you seemed to be enjoying every bit of it as you sleep."

"I would never do that on my sane state, and you know it, so let it go, Mike," I really had to clear things up with this dick or he'll end up telling it to everyone and I can't fucking risk it, it's too embarassing.

"This reminds me of something from 3 years ago, Luke," he looked at me and smiled at me devilishly looking like an idiot.

3 years ago? What did he have against me 3 years ago?

Oh, fuck, no. I remember now. No. No.

"No, Michael. Fuck off, that's the past, okay? She's just my bestfriend now. And don't you dare ruin it," I defended.

"That doesn't seem like it, I think you still li-"

"Shut up, Michael!" I cut him off.

"Oh my gods, Luke, you're blushing!" he tried to suppress laughter but failed. He ended up guffawing so loud, he's probably gonna wake up the other guys.

"I am not. Fuck you," but I looked away because I can feel heat rushing on my cheeks.

Why the fuck are you blushing, Hemmings?! Maybe Mike's right and you still do have that thing on her, I thought to myself.


Mike did woke up everyone because of him laughing but when they asked him, he just looked at me and said nothing. He better say nothing because I'll skin him alive if he does.

We washed up after eating some because our flight to Toronto was this morning. We all decided to just sleep on the plane.

I tried to stay away from Lei as possible, though I was still sorry for being rude to her last night. But I think if Mike sees us together talking, he might spill. I am practically scared of that dick right now, what even.

By 9AM, we're already seated in the plane and soon taking off for Toronto. I was beside Cal. Mike, Ash and Leijin are seated together on the other aisle. Mike better shut his mouth. Dammit, I am so worried.

I cleared my thoughts and focused on the gigs were doing later. We have to do a rocking good show for the opening act. I soon fell asleep as the plane rose and soon settled to a calmer state.


The day passed by so quickly, maybe because we had a lot to do, everyone was running around taking orders, checking equipments, and making the whole show run smooth. I had to give it to 1D, they know how to run a good show. I missed these lads, they're so nice and cool to hang out with. I still don't understand the issue among our fans and theirs, coz we get along well.

I was more tensed on our performance though, maybe because somewhere in the crowd, a green-haired girl takes HD photos of me while I sing. I've never been conscious to how I would look in a photo but it's different now. Fuck, I almost lost focus when I spotted her in the crowd, in a designated space given to her to take photos.

All in all, I was tired. This day drained me more than I imagined. I just crashed and closed my eyes as soon as we went inside the tour bus. Hey, we're on a tour bus again. Wow, I missed this. I thought to myself as I found my bunk and immediately fell asleep.


I woke up to the smell of something cooking. Whatever it was, it must be good.

I felt my stomach rumble so I quickly got up and went to the bus' kitchen and saw Leijin in an apron and cooking.

"Lukey, you're up. Lee-lee is cooking breakfast, dig in," Cal was already seated on his favorite seat by the window, eating his breakfast.

I sat beside him, momentarily blinded by the sunshine seeping through the window as Ash opened the blinds.

"You should've woken Michael up as you came," Ash reminded me.

"I'll go wake him up," Lei suggested and quickly went to the back.

I tried to stop her but she was already gone, I am worried then again with her being alone with Mike. Who knows what that bloke might say.

I looked at the large watch by the bus' hallway, 10AM. Time is going by so fast and we have a show again later tonight.

Mike and Lei went back and Mike took a seat in front of me, he was probably too tired and sleepy to make fun of me.

I ate my breakfast silently, occasionally joining in their conversation, it was actually so fun. All the boys seemed to be hyped up and happy because of Leijin's presence. Unconsciously, she lights up our world and she's freaking oblivious over it.

She probably thinks this is just another day in 5sos tour life. But actually, Cal jokes more often, Ash's giggles sound more happy, Michael actually got up for breakfast and eats with us, instead of bringing his food to his bunk and sleeping immediately afterwards.

What's the change in me? I got more silent, shy to speak up and conscious at whatever I do everytime she's around, like what the fuck? I better act normal or the other boys will notice.

After eating, we were watching halfway into the Lego Movie when I went back to my bunk and told them I'm gonna get more sleep. I can't stand it because I feel Lei watching me, probably still wondering about my silence and rudeness.

I got the polaroid photo from one of my jeans and stared at it. It was pretty scrunched up from being at the backpocket of my jeans. I honestly don't know what's happening with me and I'm actually scared of the feelings Lei stirs up inside of me.

I fell asleep wanting to know the answers.

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