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"This isn't nice," I mumbled as we reached the park. It was about 4pm in the afternoon and we went around town walking, buying ice cream and went to the mall but it feels like he was just buying time.

Time for what?

Now that the sun is low and partially hidden by the trees and everything is orange in a good way, the park was deserted and noone else was there. I usually find walks like these calming and comforting but I was expecting Luke to take me somewhere more, i don't know, special?

He grinned at me like the lunatic he was. He's smiling so much today, as I am and it feels so right. Something's just missing and I couldn't put my finger on it. It feels like Luke's hiding something, still.

What now?

As we rounded up to the part of the park where the picnic tables are at. Everything lit up.

Everything I mean everything.

The trees lit up in christmas lights and stuff and also the bushes but Luke continued tugging me through the corner.


I covered my eyes in shock and coiled around Luke. An instant later, I opened my eyes and found out what the ruckus was about.

Everyone was here.

There was a mini-picnic party set up. Apparently, Ashton got discharged early today and he's here, sitting on a wheelchair, an IV still injected on his arm, but nonetheless, he's alive and kicking. Calum's jumping around, whooping at how everything has been set right. Michael's solemn, sad even and I realize why, there was a presence missing. Mae.

Though, I wanted to hate her, I couldn't. She was so nice and sweet and now I found out that she really wasn't a bitch and was trying to put herself between Michael and Luke's friendship. And now, I kinda missed her like a girlfriend. She was nice to be with. And apparently, I'm not the only one who wants her here.

There never really was a main reason for the picnic party, according to Luke. It's just a miniparty as we all felt the weight lift off our shoulders. Luke and Ashton fighting. Me and Luke being miserable and fighting each other. Ashton being sent to the hospital. Everything's almost okay now. Almost.

"Mikey," I sat beside him on a picnic table, he was staring at nothing.

"Sorry, I can't appear happy."

"It's okay, I've been there. Recently. It's okay to cry, even if you're a guy. It helps believe me."

"Crying's lame, Jins," he whimpered ironically, because he sounded like he was close to tears.

"I know. And you're lame, so?" I nudged his shoulder and as I hoped, he laughed.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulder, "It'll be okay, Michael. Somehow."

Luke, Ashton and Calum all sat with us as they us having a moment and basically had a group hug. I love my boys.

The night went on as the parents talked among themselves nearby, cooking barbecue, even some smores, to which Calum devoured immediately. The staff who were here and were congratulating me, Luke and Ashton for his health were there, too, on their own table.

The five of us, 5SOS and I, sat on our own. I was beside Luke and Michael, Ashton and Calum in front of me.

It was weird yet comfortable. Weird because I only realize how long since we had a talk like this, to hang out as one. Comfortable because it only felt so right. Now, it felt like everything really was in its rightful place in my life. I'm feeling bad for Michael because this issue seems more than just a little thing for him but he'll make it. Mae's smitten for him, too. It's only a matter of time until they're together and happy.

Life with these four dorks will be one helluva rollercoaster, considering all of them are celebrities now, and my boyfriend happens to be the apple of the eye of millions of teenage girls out there. But as I sit here, watching the four of them bond again with me, I know I'll take anything for these boys.

About midnight, there were lesser and lesser people around. The parents only stick around to clean some of our mess when we cooked and eventually off they went, leaving us and some other people here in the park. Michael went to say goodbye first. I feel sorry for him and let him go, asking him to rest up and clear his mind. Calum went next, walking with this cute girl he met in the aprk earlier tonight. It was me who asked Ashton to go because he still needs rest and thankfully, he did. He had Anne there, tending to him as they went to the car, me and Luke helping loading him in.

"So.." Luke started when there were only the two of us left.

I raised my eyebrows, 'We're not going home yet?"

"Nah, I still have something for you."

"But we already had all night!" I complained and yawned, feeling tired.

"All night? I didn't even get a second alone with you," he pouted so I let him tug me.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want us to walk home, if you don't mind."

The park's a bit too far away from the house but I nodded and smiled, and let him guide me out, our hands intertwined.

"You know, I became friends with this girl about 3 years ago?" he looked down to me and I can see the hint of a smile in his features.

"I was a bit shocked then, like, who's this girl and why is she talking to me? I was the school nerd. And nobody wants to talk to me. And one of the cooler kids, Michael used to hate me so much, I started thinking maybe the whole school hated me. Then, this girl talked to me." He swayed our hands and told his story. I was excited to hear it, knowing it's ours but I wanted him to take his time.

"She was so beautiful, you see. She always laughs at my lame jokes, and when she smiles, it just makes me wanna go and jump around in glee. She radiates happiness and I guess that's what drew me to her, I longed to be happy and accepted for so long, that when she showed me how to be, I clung to it like a hungry man seeing food. I didn't let go."

He paused and blushed as he confessed of his liking for me ever since we met.

"But I found out that she wasn't friends with only me. She was friends with a lot of guys, that guy Michael included. I thought what she shows me is what she shows to everyone else. That maybe I wasn't so special to her at all. Then, one day, Michael approached me. Saying sorry for everything we fought for and he said how that girl made him realize he was wrong. Michael and I became best friends. Long story a bit shorter, we all became bestfriends. It was perfect. Until she left."

He looked down at me and I see sadness in his eyes, probably reliving the past of when I had to leave.

"Two years later, she came back. And hell, I felt it again. The strange energy, the strange pull that makes me want to be around her. The strange need for me to make her smile, to make her happy. The want to kiss her lips. After two years of being gone, I still feel it. And God knows how crazy jealous I was of her another bestfriend, who happened to be my bandmate on sheer luck, Ashton."

"You were always jealous," I chuckled.

"I still am," I looked around and noticed we were almost to their street. Sixth street. We stopped by the lamp post and he pulled me in his arms.

"I only get jealous because I feel like you'll always slip through my fingers when I'm not looking. It's still unreal for me to think you're mine and when you were gone, I've been through hell. I never want to go there, anymore." he cupped my face and stared deeply into my eyes. "I love you, Lei. And I never want to let you go"

And he kissed me, much like the first time we did. It felt magical. Surreal. His lips, nipping mine softly, that I just had to respond by kissing back with the same intensity, same softness. I love him. I love him.

"I love you, too, Hemmo," I murmured against our kiss.

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