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"What's happening now?!" I was shouting, close to hysteria. I couldn't even do anything but cry after Lei left with Calum.

"Maybe she needs time," Mae whispered softly.

"But mum, you said this will work!" I half screamed in hopelessness. My eyes wet with tears, I couldn't care less now. I didn't know what to do.

"Calm down, Luke," she told me with a hard look on her face.

But I can't. Finally, I knew why Lei hated me. Why she left. I would do everything to have her back.

So that's why. Why she left, why she came back but refused to talk to me. That explains all her hurtful stares. I never knew. I'm so stupid.

I slumped on our sofa, tears carelessly spilling on my hands as I held my face on my hands. I'm a wreck. I thought this was going to work...


The day we went back to Sydney, I received a phone call.


"Luke Hemmings?"

I furrowed my brows as I heard the female voice on the other line.

"Yes, who is this?" Is she a fan?

"I'm Mae. Mae Molina."

"Doesn't ring a bell, sorry. I should go--"

"Wait! I need to tell you something important!" It may be one of those prank calls but the urgency in her voice intrigued me.

"What is it?" I said lazily, I was sat in my room, just did some of repacking and stuff. What she said next made my grip on my phone tighten.

"I.. I think I know the reason why your girlfriend, Leijin, left you back then."

She must only be telling the truth because nobody else but us, knew about our relationship. She must really know something. But how?

"I'm listening," I said, trying to keep the nervousness off my voice. Here it is. The great revelation. I feel my heart beating loudly against my chest.

"It's kind of a long story."

"I've got time." I said, determined to know.

"Actually, I'm in Sydney right now for a work trip and I figured it's the best time to meet up and talk about it. I think it's best talked about personally, not over the phone."

She had a point so even though I wanted to know, right now, I had to wait, "Sure, tomorrow, then?"

"Yeah," then she proceeded to tell me where exactly she wants us to meet and luckily it's in a mall not too far from home. She hung up afterwards.

I couldn't sleep that night, anticipating everything she's gonna say. Who exactly is she? Why the hell does she know about us? And most importantly, what does she know? Why did Lei leave?

The morning after, I was jumpy. Wanting 2pm to come so fast so I could know the answers, I even got there 30 minutes early. I was sitting in a corner inside Starbucks, anxious for the girl to come.

At exactly 2pm, two people came inside the store and I couldn't believe who they were.

Michael. And the girl, a red headed girl who looked vaguely familiar.

She had a grim look on her face, Michael's expression the same. I was staring at them, wondering if they were on a different date but they were headed straight to me. Slowly, I knew.

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