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Spending time with Calum while washing the dishes was a lot of fun, we caught up on all the events we never got to see in each other's lives. He enthusiastically reviewed me on every live performance that they had, their life on tour. So washing the dishes took longer time to finish.

And I butted in a few times, adding up some things I saw in their youtube videos. I teased him about showing off his butt on their twitcams and I swear he laughed so hard, he almost dropped the plate he was washing and he was blushing! I bet he never realized the amount of people who would watch their twitcams.

After cleaning the dishes, he excused himself, saying he got to take a bath coz he feels like he stinks a lot already.

I remembered that I had arrangements to attend to if I'm gonna stay in so I went back to the bedroom, gathered my things and I realized, I can't go without taking a bath and changing clothes.

"Luke?" I said as I went out to the sofa.

"Hm?" he replied, not taking his eyes off the TV.

"Can I borrow one of your tees and jeans? I have to arrange some stuff back in my apartment and I can't go without changing. I think we might have the same size or close," I explained.

"Nope, I ain't letting you borrow my clothes," he said, playfully. This dork actually wants me to beg. Dammit.

"Please, Luke, come on," I pleaded.

"John said you stay in with us from now on, right? Why're you leaving?" Ash suddenly chimed in.

"Exactly, so I have to get my things and arrange the last rent payment for my apartment," I told him.

"I have a few small shirts, I'll let you borrow them. For the jeans," Ash said before raising his voice, "Mike! Remember the jeans you used at the Capitol Summertime Ball? Do you have it right now? Didn't you say they don't fit anymore? Give them to Jinny, she needs jeans!"

I heard Mike muffled saying they were in the bedroom with him. Ash stood up, "Come on, I'll give you the shirt, its also in the bedroom."

Luke said, "Don't you need a towel for washing? I have ext-"

"I have an extra towel, I'll also give it to you," Ash interrupted as he walked to the bedroom.

I don't know if I was hearing it wrong but I heard Luke grunt and mumbled something as he sat back down and got back to watching TV. Maybe because I never got to beg him for his shirt. Ha.


Pretty soon I was combing my hair into place as I looked at my reflection in the mirror inside the bathroom. Ash's white muscle tee is two sizes too big so the armpit part is real low, exposing my black bra but of all the 'small shirts' he gave me, this was the most decent looking.

Mike's jeans - which were almost tights/leggings coz they're pretty flexible - actually fit. Maybe it becomes smaller as time goes by because I don't remember having the same size as Mike's legs. They're not half bad, they're actually rocking, the left leg is all black cloth, the right leg is pinstriped black and white. Nice.

I just put on some powder, I don't really use make-up. But I decided to add some lipstick because my lips were so pale I'd look sick without some color.

I went out the bathroom and headed for the bedroom to gather my things.

"Are you being daring, Jinny?" Mike mumbled from his bed, watching me as I tidy up my things.

"Say what?"

"Your bra," he said a bit timidly.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't want to but I have no choice, I guess," I said as Luke came into the bedroom, his blue eyes widened infinitesimally as he saw my side, black bra peeking out with the low armpit of the muscle tee.

"You're going out in that?" he blurted, eyebrows furrowed.

"What? You're the one who won't let me borrow your shirt," I said, but still pretty embarassed.

"I have one here-" he started to going for his bag.

"Nah, I was already borrowing one of Michael's plaids," I cut him off, a bit pissed. He won't let me borrow his shirt, now he's angry I had to make do something that shows some skin? Well, well.

"You were?" Mike asked, not riding in to what I said, this fucker.

"I was, you were about to get one now, aren't you?" I eyed him, looking away from Luke. I gave him my death glare, silently ordering him to cooperate.

"Well," he dragged, "Yeah, I am." He reached for the other end of his bed, picked up a random plaid from his bag and threw it to me.

I stood up, wore the plaid, slung my backpack to my back then looked at Luke straight in the eye, "Happy now, Luke?"

I then walked out the room after saying a quick thanks and goodbye to Mike.

"Laters, Ash, Cal. I'll be back by sundown, I guess?" I said to Ash and Cal, watching TV at the sofa.

"Okay, take care, Lee-lee, see ya later," Cal waved off, not taking his eyes off the TV screen.

"Actually, I wanna ask if you want me to come with you? I don't have anything to do and I think you'd need help for your things," Ash suggested.

"Yeah, I do, now that I think about it, but you'll just get mobbed outside," I thought of the girls yesterday morning. "How about you just pick me up when I'm done with the boring slash talking to the apartment owner parts?"

"Okay, give me your number," he said and we exchanged cell numbers.

"I'm going now," I said as I started walking for the door.

"I'll walk you out," Ash again. What's with him?

"There may be fans, Ash. Besides, I can handle myself, don't go fatherly on me," I stifled a giggle.

"Am I being fatherly?" he asked, mostly to himself.

"YES," Calum chimed in from the sofa as Luke went out the bedroom and sat beside him. Then Cal added, "Sit back down here and let her go, Ash. You'll see her later."

"Later, boys," I said as I went out the suite door.


Hey hey, thanks for the votes I love you heaps :*

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