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"Are you sure?"

Ash's worried expression was all I could see as I looked up to him. We were back at the tour bus, it's probably 3 in the morning, the rain stopped already, but we could still hear music and chattering from the big house.

I nodded grimly as I continued packing up some of my stuff in my backpack. I've already changed my soaking wet clothes into a comfortable gray hoodie, knee-length shorts and Vans.

"I have to do this. You have to understand."

"I do, but right now? You need rest, Jinny. Think about it tomorrow," he pleaded for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"I can't stand to see him in the morning. I just can't," my voice broke, fighting hard not to break down again.

"How about John? You still are our photographer, Jins. You can't just leave, it's- it's unprofessional," he said the last part slowly, hesitant to tell me I'm being unprofessional and childish.

"Sorry, okay? I'll text Uncle about this. And I'll be back, I just-" I choked on my words, "I just really need some time off. Give me a week and I'll be back. I promise."

"And lastly, how the fuck are you going to leave?" Ash said, exasperated because he can't convince me.

I stood as I finished packing up, slung my backpack and looked at him, "I can handle myself. Trust me."

I walked out the bus, thinking of my escape plan. I found out ealier that a lot of the people in the house weren't actually staffs and I saw their cars parked outside, so I thought maybe I can hitch a ride and go back to my apartment in LA for the meantime.

As we went down, two guys from the house walked to their cars. I immediately approached them, Ashton trailing behind me. They were pretty drunk so I had an easy time convincing them to let me ride until I find another mode of transportation. I found out they were Niall's friends who were nearby so they decided to crash the party.

Ashton was shaking his head the whole time but just sighed as I went in the backseat and waved him goodbye. He knew it was no use, I won't be stopped. I have to leave.

The car drove downhill and the guys were only mildly drunk so we made it down to the highway alive. They were pretty oblivious to my presence, almost forgetting that I was there.

I knew that they forgot I was there because when I called them to stop the vehicle because I finally spotted a bus stop, they both shrieked, looked at me then laughed. They really did forgot I was there, they said. I mumbled my thanks for the ride and went out.

Soon after I was on a bus on its way to LA. I sat the back, called Uncle to tell him I had to go, he barely drank tonight so I figured I'll tell him now. I told him I can't tell everything that it's just important that I take time off. Then I called Ash, to tell him I was safe, I quickly hung up when he started talking me out of leaving. Still. I put on my earbuds, letting Fall Out Boy drown out my miserable thoughts.


Mrs. Johnson was clearly shocked as she saw me on her doorstep at five in the morning. I asked if my apartment already has a new tenant but it was still vacant so I asked her for my keys. I was too tired to explain and she felt that so she just gave me my keys.

"Rest, child," she said as she gave my shoulders a light squeeze. She smiled at me, as if she knew how I felt and wished to get me out of this misery.

I went to my room and did as I was told.

I rested.

For what seemed like the first in a long time.


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