Chapter 6

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Your POV

The two guys stand still as my friends come over to greet me. My normal entrance was me playing music and walking in with Romeo. That's how they knew it was me. I put multiple Bluetooth speakers on the poles of the lights when we first came here. It only responds to my phone, so they know who's playing the music. I give high fives and hugs to everyone who approaches me.
"Hey Y/N, what's up?" Was the common sentence used. I get a sense of happiness in knowing so many people knew me here. Well. I do come here about three times a week.

I turn around to introduce the guys when I get hugged from behind.
"Well hey there pretty one." Cooed my friend. Kyle. He lifts me up in a tight hug. He puts me down and I squirm out. I turn to see him pouting.
"Hey Kyle." I say, giggling. Romeo walked over and slings an arm around his neck. Kyle had a green backwards hat and greenish brown eyes. Under the cap, dark brown hair stuck out. He had his signature leather jacket with a white shirt on underneath and beige shorts. He looks behind me.
"Who's the competition?" He asks wearily. I look at Garroth and Laurence, who were glaring at him. I giggle a little bit.
"This is Garroth and Laurence. Guys this is Kyle." I say, motioning to each of them.
"And Jack." I feel an arm get slung around me. I look up to see Jack. He had his usual grin and sparkling green eyes. He has ruffled black hair that was clearly not brushed aswell. I see him wearing a grey hoodie and denim jeans. They all exchanged hellos. I wriggle out of Jack's arm and plop my board on the ground. Romeo pushes Kyle away and drops his board as well.
"Basically, we skate, play ball and have a good time. Enjoy yourselves!" I say cheerfully, and skate over to the skating dip.

Romeo's POV

As soon as Y/N leaves the guys start to chat.
"I'm assuming you two have a thing for her as well?" Kyle asks bluntly. Garroth and Laurence seem taken aback, but hid it well.
"Maybe. She's quite cute." Garroth says smiling with Laurence nodding.
"I'm guessing you like her as well?" Laurence asks Jack and Kyle. Jack shrugs.
"Nope. She like a sister to me." Jack replies matter-of-factly. Kyle chuckles.
"Kinda. Flirting with hers fun though." Kyle says grinning.

The guys exchange weird looks, then turn to me.
"What about you Romeo?" Garroth asks. Kyle turns to me as well. I shrug.
"She's my best friend." I say bluntly. It was the truth after all. Jack smirks.
"I don't think so pal. You go over to her house like, everyday." He says smugly. I shake my head.
"As a best friend." I respond.
"As a secret boyfriend." Kyle says suspiciously, peering down at me. I huff.
"No. It's not like that." I say before skating off. I hear them chuckling and talking about something. I make my way to the skating platform.

People were doing tricks and cruising along on their boards, popping up every now and again to get a high five or to chat. I see Y/N sitting in between the girls and next to some boys. She pulls out her phone and changes the song just as it's about to end. I look up to one of the light posts. I see about three Bluetooth speakers wrapped in duct tape about ten feet off the ground. That was probably the best idea that she's ever had.

I hear the guys walking up behind me, chatting and laughing about something. They go and sit down behind her on the concrete raised platform. I watch as Y/N picks up her phone and holds it to her ear. After a few seconds, she slips it into her pocket and stands up.

Your POV

No. Way. I get off the phone with James. He's a good friend of mine and he wants to show me something. I stand up and start skating to the entrance of the park. I see that Garroth and Laurence made some new friends. I feel them staring at me as I skate off. I stop my board when he walks through the gate.
"What is that!" I yell. I step off my board and start laughing. I thought he was joking when he said he had to bring a penny board. I stand up, holding in my laughs and walk over to him. He had blonde curly hair and icy blue eyes, but he wore an embarrassed frown. He wore a black fading to white shirt with baggy jeans. I crouch down and inspect his board. It was tiny! It was about two feet smaller then mine.

"Woah." I hear Romeo say from behind me. I stand up and wince at it.
"I know. It sucks." He says with false enthusiasm. By now, the guys have wandered over to check it out. Both Jack and Kyle were stifling laughs.
"Mind if I try it?" I ask, gazing at the tiny board. He shrugs.
"Knock yourself out." He says. "I'm borrowing yours." He jumps on mine and skates away, leaving us looking at the skateboard. I hop on and almost fall off. It doesn't have suspension or anything. It might as well be a stick with wheels. I try to do a jump. It somewhat works, I guess. I land and almost fall off.

I hop off and offer it to someone else.
"Good luck with that trash." I say, and dip out, going back to my seat. I turn and watch as Jack tries it. He falls off and gets harassed by laughter as he tries to get back up. I turn back around and laugh. Tonight's a fun one.

The Other Side Of Me ✔️ | Garroth x Laurence x Reader PDHWhere stories live. Discover now